Call for Sites Form
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Land At Church End Willington, MK44 3PX
Amenity land adjacent the church
Church, Residential
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25 dph
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Access will be provided off the lane to the north west of the site as shown on the Location Plan.
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The proposed scheme will address climate change through appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in the design. Where possible the dwellings will utilise low carbon building materials. The dwellings will be energy efficient and will be designed for comfort by balancing passive cooling design strategies which maximise comfort and minimise energy use during the warmer summers, with adequate levels of insulation for the warmer winters. The dwellings will be constructed so they are weather tight, robust enough to withstand extreme weather, and with foundations which are appropriate for their lifetime. The design will also include measures for water efficiency and effective drainage.
The proposed site is located between St Lawrence’s Church and Manor Farm off Church End approximately 4.5 miles east from Bedford town centre. The access to the site is through a private drive of approximate width of 5.0m. Traffic generation from this development would have a moderate impact on the local network but intensify the use of the site and access. There are bus stops located on Church Road either side of the junction with Churchill Place. The proposed access is approximately 570m walking distance from the bus stops. Church Road and Church End do not benefit from a footway in either direction however; the road is lightly trafficked and semi-rural in nature and is classified as a cycle friendly route. The proposal would require a suitable access road for adoption. Expanding the width of the existing access to accommodate additional traffic is likely not feasible for the scale of development proposed.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.