Call for Sites Form
Broadmead, Marston Vale
former brickworks
settlement of Stewartby
former quarry
railway line
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B1 (to become E class)/ B2/B8
approx 335,00 sqm
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Site adjoins Broadmead Road to the south and Manor Road to the north
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Arnold White Estates Ltd have a proven track record of promoting and delivering renewable energy projects. They own and operate the 2.5MW 149m tall wind turbine at Double Arches, Heath & Reach and have permission for an additional turbine at that location. As a strategic employment site, the development can deliver renewable energy via different technologies, but could include roof mounted solar and a local energy park. It can include electric vehicle charging for HGVs as well as employee vehicles. The site is also in a highly sustainable location with access to local sustainable transport methods including rail and bus, as well as being within a practical commutable distance of residential properties at Stewartby, Wootton and the Wixams.
No uploaded files for public display
Access to the site is feasible from Broadmead Road to the south and Manor Road to the north. There is a train Station 'Kempston Hardwick' around 400m distance from the east side of the site. The site lack of accessibility to footways and there is no provision for cyclists. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic and for satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists.
railway line to be considered
The site is suitable for allocation as a new settlement to include a mix of uses including residential, business / science campus and innovation hub as part of a larger allocation. Employment uses may be better placed elsewhere within the larger allocation to fit better with the strategy. The larger site has been assessed separately - Site 0004. Site is proposed for allocation in combination with other sites 809, 898, 900, 905 and 1050 - HOU14 Kempston Hardwick new settlement.