Call for Sites Form
Please contact the Agent: Paul Watson, Phillips Planning Sevices
Land south of Vicars Close, Biddenham
Grassed Field
Residential (Vicars Close)
Golf Course
Golf Course
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5 10 dph
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Please see supporting Access Appraisal Vicars Close is a private road. Access to the adopted highway is taken from the junction with Main Road.
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Please see Supporting Statement
Access will be onto Vicars Close, a single track road. There is often moderate traffic on Main Road (which Vicars Close joins). There are bus stops within 400m where the 41 bus provides an hourly service between Northampton and Bedford. Vicars Close is a single track road with no pavement, however the road itself is signposted as a public footpath due to low traffic levels. There is an off-road cycle path approx 750m from the site. Pedestrian access should be provided along Vicars Close, where there is adequate space for a suitable footway.
no noise concerns
It is farmed land lying beyond Biddenham village and is designated as an Urban Open Space. Development of the land would compromise the reason for designation which is Criterion 9 - the site provides a visual break to safeguard local distinctiveness and also adjoins other urban open space to the south of the site to allow for a wildlife corridor. A local gap is also designated in this location in order to maintain Biddenham's settlement character, given its position within the wider urban area (ADLP Policy 43). The site is not proposed for allocation.