Call for Sites Form
Please contact the agent: Andrew Parry, DLP Planning Ltd
Land at Rushden Road Milton Ernest 1.39 ha
Highway/Commercial Uses
Open Space and Residential Use
Residential Use
Agricultural Land
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B1, B2 and B8
B1, B2 and B8 TBC
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Existing access off Rushden Road
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The site lies immediately adjacent to the Milton Ernest Settlement Boundary and is therefore well located to the village’s services and facilities which includes a public house and primary school. The Queens Head bus stop, which is within walking distance of the site, provides a regular service to and from Bedford. Development of this site would have particular regard to the environment and biodiversity within it and through suitable mitigation measures would ensure the site is future proofed (Policy 30). Additionally, proposals would incorporate landscaping and open spaces, including suitable tree planting and through design, layout and orientation maximise the principles of sustainable design. Land at Rushden Road primarily comprises previously developed land, the National Planning Policy Framework encourages the effective use of such land for redevelopment. Overall, it is considered that any future proposal would meet the Councils policy standards for new sustainable development.
Access as existing onto the A6. No significant traffic congestion in the area. Nearest bus stops are 500m away where the number 50 bus provides a roughly hourly service between Bedford and Rushden. There is no current pedestrian access however there is a pavement 50m from the site at Butterfield Court and a large grass verge between there and the site for an extended pavement. There is no specific cycle connectivity however there are several quiet roads in the area that could be used for cycling. Extend the existing pavement from Butterfield Court to the site entrance. There is a large grass kerb in place currently so this shouldn't be a problem.
need to ensure that noise from employment use did not impact nearby residential prmeises
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.