Call for Sites Form
Land east and west of Barford Road, Little Barford, St Neots
Manor House and associated buildings and grounds, farm buildings and agricultural land
RWE power station and Alington Road Industrial Estate
River Great Ouse
270-340 subject to the proportion of mixed use area and setting of listed buildings.
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30-35 dph away from listed buildings
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B1, B2 and B8
B1: 9,616-20,244m2 or B2: 7,191-15,176m2 or B8: 6,568-13,861m2 or a mix of these uses (mix subject to employment evidence)
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Refer to drawing 60830-PP-005
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The site promotes sustainable transport methods and will deliver an appropriate layout, design and landscaping to encourage walkable neighbourhoods, promote the use of renewable energy and/or energy efficiencies in the fabric of the buildings.
Access at several points along Barford Road. Some widening work on Barford Road would be necessary, as well as new junction infrastructure and highway works for access. There are low-frequency bus services approx 1km from the site at a nearby supermarket. The closest footway is approx 250m from the north of the site on Barford Rd and is narrow (approx 1m wide). Widening and new junctions for access on Barford Road. For improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity it would be necessary to connect to the existing footway (approx 250m away). Widening of the existing footway and conversion to cycle/pedestrian route up to the A428 roundabout would be suggested. This would allow cycle/pedestrian access to the supermarket, bus services and further into the town.
close proximity to little barford power station and rail line
The proposal of the scale proposed does not fit with the development strategy however the site falls within a larger site (Site 907) proposed for allocation HOU19 Little Barford new settlement.