Call for Sites Form
Please contact the agent: Shannon Hubbard
Cottage Farm, Upper Staploe, PE19 5JA 0.2 ha
The site currently forms an existing agricultural yard featuring six semi-redundant agricultural buildings/light industrial buildings. Two of the buildings were granted permission in 2005 for Change of Use to B1 (light industrial) under application reference 05/02789/COU and this application is still live (please see below).
Agricultural Land
Agricultural Land
Agricultural Land
Gypsey Lane & Agricultural Land
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Low density – utilising the existing farm buildings or the existing farm buildings footprints.
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As shown on the accompanying location plan (ref: 48126-03) there is an existing access into the site from Gypsey Lane to the west.
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Development at the site can start early in the Local Plan period, in 2024 with anticipated completion a year to 18 months later.
Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the design process of the proposed dwellings.
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Access from Gypsy Lane frontage of site. The 29 bus service running once a day serves the site to the south (approx 570m). The site has no footways or cycle connections. Gypsy Ln is narrow in places with limited passing places. Any mitigation here for pedestrian access would require significant cost and scale, unsure of highway ownership. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.