Call for Sites Form
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Land at The Orchard, West End Road, Box End, Kempston
Residential development
Residential development / agricultural land
Residential development
Agricultural land
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17 dph
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As shown on accompanying plan ref. A/44082/1, the site benefits from an existing access onto West End Road to the north that is considered safe but would require improvements to accommodate the proposed quantum of growth.
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Given the site is not the subject of any physical, environmental, or legal constraints that would hinder development of the site, it is anticipated that development could be built in the short to medium term on a phased basis.
Any scheme at the site will include the provision for a sustainable drainage system as well as enhancing biodiversity through the provision of a robust landscaping scheme. Renewable energy will be provided where it is viable and the layout shall ensure appropriate linkages to existing footpaths and cycleways to reduce reliance on the use of the private car by future residents.
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The site is located in Kempston Rural approximately 4.5 miles south-west of Bedford town centre. The proposed development will be accessed via West End Road which is currently subject of national speed limit. Box End Road is a single carriageway road without any footways. The nearest bus stop is located approximately 100m from the site. The site lacks footways along West End Road and although Box End Road has a footway on the east side, it is less than the standard 1.8m in most sections. Cycling is possible by using the road surface. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic and implement positives measures for the provision of and/or improve facilities for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians including footways/cycleway with crossing facilities as well as extension of the bus service routes. Given the proposal, a road to adoptable standards is required in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in respect of width of carriageway, provision of footway/maintenance margins and radius kerbs at the junction. The speed limit on West End Road is currently subject to 60mph and for any residential development to be considered, this speed limit needs to be reduced to 30mph through the process of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). The site and the surrounding road network lacks provision of footways, hence given the scale of development to increase pedestrian and traffic movement then satisfactory footways should be provided so that the accessibility to the site for pedestrians is improved and pedestrian crossing points need to be identified.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.