Call for Sites Form
Land south of Honeydon Road, Colmworth
Honeydon Road and on the other side of this there is residential properties and fields
Colmworth Country Park
Honeydon Road and a residential property
residential properties
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20 dwellings per hectare (at a net developable area of circa 50%)
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Access to the site can be achieved off Honeydon Road. This has been marked on the submitted site location plan.
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The site would contribute towards ensuring that local housing needs of the area can be met. The site is in walking distance of the centre of the village which has a range of facilities including a village hall, a nursery group, Church of St Denys Colmworth, and a dog groomer. The 28A bus service provides public transport connections to Bedford and Little Staughton and new residents to the village will support the viability of this route. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.
The site is located south of Honeydon Road in the village of Colmworth approximately 7.5 miles northeast of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible via Honeydon Road. Given the narrow width of Honeydon Road, the proposal would likely cause congestion issues. The nearest bus stop is 160m northwest of the site in Little Staughton Road. There are no footways or formal cycle lanes outside of the site. Cycling is possible only by using the road surface. Increase of the Honeydon Road width as well as footways in both sides of the road would be necessary for the development, however this is unlikely to be feasible given obstructions on both side of the road to the west of the site, and the likely high cost.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.