Call for Sites Form
Land at Little Staughton
Paddock land
Land and then fields
strong tree line and then fields
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15 dwellings per hectare (based on a net developable area of circa 50%)
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Access to the site can be achieved off the adjoining lane. This is indicated on the submitted site location plan.
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The site would contribute towards ensuring that local housing needs of the area can be met. The site is in walking distance of the centre of the village. The village has facilities such as a village hall, All Saints Church, a local mechanic, a farm store and the Crown Inn pub. The 28A bus service provides a limited service, with connections to and from Bedford three times a day. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.
Access onto unnamed road on the north frontage of the site. No traffic in the area. There is a bus stop within 200m with 4 services per day to Bedford, however there is currently no pedestrian access to this stop. The existing pavement along the unnamed road north of the site will need to be extended approx 50m to provide pedestrian access. No specific cycle connectivity but there are several quiet roads and bike-friendly PRoWs in the area. Pedestrian access will need to be provided by extending the existing pavement on the unnamed road north of the site approx 50m to connect the site. The speed limit changes from 30 to 40mph along the frontage of the site, it would be advisable for the location of the change down to 30mph to be moved so that the whole frontage is within a 30mph zone.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.