Call for Sites Form
Land East of Clapham
Agricultural and some agricultural buildings
residential and golf course
No answer given
30-40 dwellings per hectare
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No answer given
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No answer given
Local retail – part of a small mixed use hub
>250 sqm
>300 sqm
No answer given
Likely to form part of a small mixed use hub
From Green Lane and the Slade via Highbury Grove
No answer given
No answer given
• Encourage sustainable transport choices by supporting improvements to bus services and improvements to walking and cycling links to Bedford Town Centre and Railway Station • Reinforce viability of existing facilities in Clapham • Provide opportunities for home working to reduce need to travel • Meet standards for energy efficiency, and greener energy use, anticipated through Future Homes Standards
There are two access points proposed: The Slade and Green Lane. Both are narrow roads which could be quite seriously adversly affected by additional traffic from a site of this size. There is some moderate traffic in the area which would almost certainly be made worse by this size development. Via The Slade access to the site there is a bus stop 160m away where the number 51 bus provides a half-hourly service between Bedford and Oakley. Both proposed access points have adequate pavements which could easily be connected to by this new development. There is no specific cycle connectivity however there are several paved PRoWs in the area which would be suitable for cycling. The proposed vehicular accesses would need to be looked at in greater depth as both currently seem like they connect to roads which would not be able to handle the traffic from 500 new homes. A Transport Assessment should be produced to assess the significant impact this and neighbouring developments will have on local networks.
no noise concerns for housing but if other uses were considered the may affect existing residential
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.