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Plan for submission evidence base

Housing & Employment land Availability Assessment and Site Assessment

Representation ID: 10209

Received: 29/07/2022

Respondent: Trustees of the Lawton Pension Scheme

Agent: Optimis Consulting

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Site 530 Land south of Parkside, Milton Ernest
4.0 The Proposed Allocation
Settlement Assessment
4.1 Milton Ernest is a settlement and civil parish in Bedfordshire. It is approximately 8km north of Bedford town centre. The village is located on the east bank of the River Great Ouse and is well serviced with easy access to Bedford and Luton to the south and Rushden to the north. The A6 comprises a major road link for the area and runs directly through the settlement. Milton Ernest is therefore located on a key access route to and from Bedford and is well placed in this context.
4.2 There are a range of local facilities available in Milton Ernest. The village received a score of 58 within the Settlement Hierarchy Addendum (2022) provided in support of the emerging Local Plan. The Settlement Hierarchy classifies Milton Ernest as a Group 2 settlement, rural service centre. Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 identifies rural service centres as centres that “provide a more localised convenience and service role to meet the day to day needs of residents and businesses in the rural areas”. Rural service centres have good or reasonably good road and public transport links to Bedford. Growth in these settlements is not opposed where it helps to support local services.
4.3 The Milton Ernest Neighbourhood Plan (2021) has identified a site at Rushden Road for the allocation of a maximum of 25 units. The Local Plan 2030 has provided evidence to support the allocation of up to 50 dwellings within the plan period to 2030. On this basis, it is reasonable to assume that Milton Ernest can accommodate at least a further 25 residential units throughout the next 10 years, based on the old methodology for calculating objectively assessed need. Further development beyond 2030, the expiry of the Neighbourhood Plan, is also needed to accommodate the needs of the emerging Local Plan 2040.
4.4 To conclude, Milton Ernest is well located in the context of surrounding rural and major settlements and comprises a sustainable location for additional residential development. This conclusion has previously been reached by the Council, leading to its promotion for additional development in the adopted Local Plan 2030, however, it is not considered that its potential has been fulfilled and no further development has been considered or proposed as part of the emerging plans beyond the period of 2030 or to account for the under provision in the Neighbourhood Plan.
4.5 The settlement can accommodate further growth and it is reasonable to consider that based on the need objectively assessed need for the borough that the settlement of Milton Ernest might accommodate at least a further 50-75 new dwellings, over and above the Neighbourhood Plan allocation. This is made up of the shortfall 25 dwellings in the Neighbourhood plan to 2030 and 50 for the period 2030 -2040. This doesn’t take account for the increase in need across the Borough, which could arguably double this number.
Site Details
4.6 The site is located south of Parkside in Milton Ernest, a Group 2 settlement within the Bedford Borough administrative area, and is approximately 4.2 ha in size. Vehicular access to the site is available from Parkside, a cul-de-sac to the north of the site. The location of the site is shown in figure 3 below and a Site Identification Plan is provided in Appendix 1.
[See attachment for plan]
4.7 The site is on an open field comprising scattered tree cover and bounded by trees on its southern and western boundaries. The existing settlement of Milton Ernest bounds the site with residential development on its northern and western boundary. To the south, the site is defined by the River Ouse. Milton Ernest Hall Care Home and Stable Block are situated to the south east of the site and comprise Grade I and Grade II buildings. An open field lies to the east. The site is therefore well contained. In terms of the topography of the site, it declines 5 metres from north to south and there is a clear drop from the edge of the site down to the floodplain several metres below.
4.8 The site sits outside the settlement policy area but has no policy designations that restrict its potential for development in the context of the Local Plan.
Site Assessment
4.9 Optimis proposes that this site is allocated for residential development. The site was submitted for Representations by Optimis responding to Bedford Borough Councils consultation on the Regulation 19 Local Plan: Plan for Submission in 2018 and remains a logical site for development in the context of the emerging Local Plan.
4.10 The site is capable of delivering between around 50 dwellings alongside accessible open space. Given the site’s location in the context of the settlement it has the potential to form a well-connected, logical extension to the settlement, with good access to existing services and facilities. Its location in the context of the surrounding settlement is shown below in figure 4.
[See attachment for plan]
4.11 The site abuts the Settlement Policy Area to the north and west. The main access point to the site is located within the Settlement Policy Area at Parkside and, therefore, provides a logical expansion in geographical terms. A revised settlement boundary would also be robust in physical terms due to the contained nature of the site.
4.12 The site was assessed as part of the Milton Ernest Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessment Report (Updated 2019). The site’s availability, capacity, access to surrounding services and facilities, limited impact on the countryside and the site’s well connected relationship with the existing settlement were all confirmed acceptable throughout its assessment. The Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessment Report concluded:
“The site is a good extension to the existing settlement as in keeping with the existing settlement pattern, however the presence of the Grade I Listed Building to the south of the site and associated Grade II Listed Buildings, as well as the Flood Zones means development to the south of the site is limited”.
4.13 The presence of Flood Zone and Listed buildings to the south of the site is acknowledged and a reduced level of residential development is suggested on this basis. Isolating development in the northern area of the site, adjacent to the settlement, and providing open space to the south provides a strong settlement edge and a green buffer zone to protect future development from Flood Zone and the setting of existing listed buildings to the south east. Therefore, whilst the site is subject to some constraints, it is considered that these can be overcome through sensitive design and management and this has been assessed by qualified experts in ecology, heritage, highways and drainage.
Proposed Development of up to 50 dwellings
4.14 The site has the potential to supply a range of residential development in response to the identified need and the client is willing to cooperate with Bedford Borough Council and the Parish Council to provide the type of housing scheme that is required in Milton Ernest.
4.15 The proposed development (in a sketch format at Figure 5 below) at the land south of Parkside of around 50 dwellings would be able to deliver a range of benefits for the local community, including:
• Upgrading cycle facilities in the area,
• Provision of cycle routes,
• Publicly accessible open space,
• Contribution and provision of community facilities,
• Provision of, or contribution towards, existing play facilities,
• Affordable housing,
• Provision of bungalows
• Biodiversity Enhancements
[See attachment for plan]
4.16 The site is contained by strong defensible boundaries and connects well to Milton Ernest on its northern edge, therefore, any future development could be easily absorbed within the existing development pattern. In addition to the primary access route on Parkside, there is the potential for further cyclist and pedestrian routes into the site.
4.17 In order to maintain a buffer between residential units, flood risk and listed buildings, the scheme would be designed sympathetically and pay due regard to these features throughout the planning process. All significant existing trees are to be retained and reinforced where necessary as part of an enhanced public open space to provide an attractive river side setting for the community to enjoy.
4.18 The suggested Policy wording is as follows:
[See attachment]
4.19 As discussed in this report, the Emerging Local Plan pays little regard to the importance of sites that are well related to existing sustainable settlements in delivering housing in line with identified need. Rather, the plan places emphasis on the use of substantial strategic sites and new settlements in large areas of open countryside to deliver housing need, overlooking existing settlements for expansion. The draft Local Plan should afford more consideration to the potential allocation of sites adjacent to existing key and rural service centres acknowledging their importance in meeting housing need.
4.20 Milton Ernest presents a logical location for development, comprising a sustainable settlement within the borough that would benefit from policy support. Additional but proportionate development in this location could be delivered quickly and provide valuable economic, social, and environmental benefits to an existing community.
4.21 The site is well connected to the settlement boundary and therefore, if allocated, would create a logical extension to the settlement. Given its close proximity to a range of facilities, the site would be well-serviced for future occupiers. There are no constraints identified that cannot reasonably overcome through assessment and sensitive design and the site provides an opportunity to deliver a sustainable and proportionate scheme to the settlement alongside valuable enhancements and fit for purpose open space.
4.22 The site outlined above presents a sound option for delivering development of this nature and should be considered by the Council for allocation alongside other extensions to existing sustainable settlements in the borough to alleviate reliance on substantial strategic sites throughout the plan period. The site has the capacity to deliver around 50 residential units, and this complies with the growing housing requirement set in this review. Furthermore, if the Council is concerned that the allocation of the site might undermine the recently made Neighbourhood Plan, the Council could allocate the site post 2030, when the Neighbourhood Plan will cease to have any effect.


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