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Land at School Approach, Sharnbrook
Agricultural land
Residential and HIghway
Agricultural land and existing planting
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35 dwellings per net ha
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2.94 ha (Drop-off Facility)
Provision of drop-off facilities for public transport serving the Sharnbrook Academy, The submitted details also make a substantial allowance for additional structural planting.
Access can be achieved via School Approach and off Odell Road
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During 2025/26 based on the following indicative timeframe: - Submission and determination of application – Q1 2024/25 - Sale of Site - Q3 2024/25 - Reserved Matters Application – Q4 2024/25 - Commencement Q2 2025/26 Development timeframe assumes full build out by 2029/30 (c.25-30 completions per annum) Note that this timeframe can be achieved cumulatively with delivery of the same landowner’s interests South of Odell Road. This timetable assumes no further progress with site assessment and potential allocation through the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan
The settlement of Sharnbrook provides a good range of local services and facilities and includes a post office, convenience store, a pharmacy, restaurants, cafes, public houses, a Sharnbrook Primary School and Sharnbrook Academy, which has a ‘good’ ofsted rating, hence its designation as a Key Service Centre. The site is well-located immediately adjacent the existing settlement form and would offer easy access to new and existing facilities on foot or by cycling as part of seeking to encourage model shift. Sharnbrook is also served by several bus routes, including bus route 50 (Bedford – Kettering) and bus route 51 (Bedford – Rushden). Development of this site would have particular regard to the environment and biodiversity within it and through suitable mitigation measures would ensure the site is future proofed. Additionally, proposals would incorporate landscaping and open spaces, including suitable tree planting and through design, layout and orientation maximise the principles of sustainable design.
The site is located on the western side of Odell Road and School Approach, in the village of Sharnbrook approximately 9 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access points are located on School Approach and Odell Road. Congestion in the vicinity is limited to school start and finish times. The nearest bus stop facilities are located approximately 700m east of the site on Odell Road. There is no footway serving the site. There are no specific provisions made for cyclists although they can use the carriageway. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic on Odell Road as well as the Odell Road/School Approach roundabout. The proposal will require a road to adopted standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. A 2m footway would be necessary serving the site. At the north side of the site the Odell Road speed limit could be reduced. Consideration of a bus stop and or route entering the site in order to make any dwellings at the extreme end of the site boundary more accessible to the bus service.
noise from santa pod
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.
Please contact the agent: Andrew Parry, DLP Planning Ltd
Greyfriars Police Station
Redundant Police Station (Sui Generis)
Highways land / Bus Station
100+ dwellings
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Approx 200dph+
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Up to 1,000sqm
Up to 1,000sqm Open Space in accordance with Town Centre Masterplan
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Greyfriars (Primary Access), Priory Street (Secondary Access)
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The site exhibits a highly sustainable location and is very well located close to the key public transport networks and services and facilities within the Town Centre. The use of the private car will therefore be minimised as much as possible. In principle the development of the site will set out to meet the requirements of Policy 51S and Policy 54 in terms of energy efficiency. Additionally, proposals would incorporate landscaping and open spaces, including suitable tree planting and through design, layout and orientation maximise the principles of sustainable design.
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Primary access on Greyfriars is very close to a junction which could create a safety problem if large numbers of vehicles are using it. Secondary access is on Priory Street which is very narrow so also wouldn't be suitable for large numbers of cars. Most roads in the area show moderate traffic throughout the day with the potential for this to easily become heavy traffic if more vehicles are added. As the site is an old police station there are several good pedestrian access points to the site and good pedestrian infrastructure connecting to the bus station opposite, which has several bus services with 4+ services per hour for each. An on-road non-segregated cycle lane is directly outside the site. Vehicle access and road capacity is generally poor but due to the location opposite the bus station and with good walking and cycling links, it would be reasonable to limit car usage. Car parking should be limited to a very small number (i.e. disabled parking only) and should mainly use the Greyfriars access to the site.
noise from roundabout road traffic, bus depot and nearby commercial sources
The site is already allocated in the development plan (LP2030 policy 11)