Issues and Options

Ended on the 4 September 2020

4. Call for sites

The new local plan will identify land for development by allocating sites. These sites will be for new housing, employment and other uses where required and will be in addition to sites already allocated in the Local Plan 2030 and the Allocations and Designations Local Plan (adopted 2013). It is important that the Council allocates a range of development sites that will maintain a five year supply of housing land. The plan must contain sites that will, alongside those already allocated, deliver relatively quickly as well as sites that cater for longer term requirements.

As part of this consultation, we are inviting landowners and other interested parties to propose sites to the Council that they think would be suitable for development. All sites proposed will be considered for inclusion in the plan.

How to submit a site

Because our list of sites submitted for potential inclusion in the Local Plan 2030 is now over five years' old, we are asking that any previously submitted sites that are still felt to be suitable for development are resubmitted at this time with updated information and data. This will allow us to assess all of the potential sites on a level playing field basis.

If you know of a site that may have development potential, or if you are a landowner, business or developer and have a site you would like to bring to our attention, please complete a site submission form. We would prefer you to do this online using our consultation system.

Alternatively forms can be downloaded, completed and then emailed to Site forms can also be submitted by post if necessary (please use a stamp) to:             

Planning Policy Team

Bedford Borough Council

Borough Hall

Cauldwell Street


MK42 9AP

Please only send your site information using one method of communication (e.g. by email only).

Please submit your sites to us by 5pm on Friday 14th August 2020

What happens next?

Site submissions will be published on our website in due course. All sites submitted will go through a robust assessment to see whether they are deliverable and developable. Along with this assessment the selection of sites for inclusion in the plan will depend on the strategy chosen and on the findings of various other technical studies (e.g. the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment). However, it is likely that not all sites submitted for consideration will be needed or suitable.

The site submission form includes questions relating to the type of development proposed, any known constraints to delivery, whether a suitable access is present, and an indicative start date for development.

If the requested information is not provided we will not be able to complete a robust technical assessment and the site will not be considered for allocation.

What sites we are looking for and where?

National planning policy requires the Council to have a five-year supply of deliverable sites and the local plan must also show where development will be located over 15 years from when the plan is adopted.

The Council must allocate a mix of sites including smaller sites of one hectare or less to meet some of its development needs. We are therefore interested in a wide range of sites in sustainable, connected areas. We will prioritise the regeneration of brownfield sites.

Given the level of development we need to accommodate, we are also interested in proposals for new settlements.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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