Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 - 2029

Ended on the 15 March 2024

7. Delivery

7.1 Section 8 of this Strategy sets out the initial Action Plan through which we will deliver the Vison. The Action Plan will be driven by the Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Action Board and its focus groups and will be reviewed and updated annually, although operational changes currently being implemented in the housing service may necessitate a review prior to the first anniversary of its adoption.

7.2 We will build on positive partnership work and establish the Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Action group at which the Action Plan is a regular and standard agenda item. This will ensure that we listen to and consult with stakeholders both internally and outside of the Council on the progress against developing Action Plan targets.

7.3 It is designed to be flexible to enable us to respond to the on-going changes in the homelessness and rough sleeping environment.

7.4 The Housing Service will lead on the delivery of all actions, but where specialist provisions, outside of their remit, are needed in order to deliver the Strategy's Vision the Action Plan reflects the need for partnership working.

7.5 To deliver the Vision of this Strategy, we will continuously take into account the resources available to the Council and other partners, progress with the Action Plan and any new legislation and / or regulations, which impact homelessness; as well as market forces which affect the supply of accommodation, and local circumstances affecting need.

7.6 We will ensure there is a good understanding of the Strategy and our commitments amongst the Council's staff particularly those who work in housing and other services upon which delivery of those commitments depends, as well as amongst partners so that the Vision and the relevant actions needed to achieve change are embedded in daily work within services.

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