Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy for Bedford Borough 2024 - 2027

Ended on the 2 June 2024

Information for residents

We heard from survey respondents about how complex EV charging can appear when someone is new to it. We will therefore expand the information we make available to residents about EV charging. This will be an integral part of our strategy.

We propose to provide information on legal issues such as the legal risks of trailing cables across pavements, and the possible penalties for parking in an EV charging bay. We will explain what we have done to make charging available, and the reasoning for it. We will also give residents the opportunity to provide feedback.

In some cases the relevant information may have already been compiled by another organisation. In these cases we may link or signpost to it, rather than re-create it ourselves.

Question about information for residents

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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