
Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Representation ID: 10038

Received: 28/07/2022

Respondent: The Southill Estate

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Southill Estate owns the land at Pear Tree Farm Elstow, and supports the draft allocation for a science and innovation park and agrees with the policy requirements for the promoted development. The draft allocation is on a smaller parcel of land that is allocated for the same use in the adopted Allocations & Designations Local Plan (Site Ref. AD11 – Land at Medbury Farm). The adopted allocation has already been assessed as sound, and it is proposed that the science and innovation park use is carried forward in PSBLP with a slightly smaller site area. The site is consistent with the spatial strategy and distribution strategy contained in PSBLP, and with the policy for the South of Bedford Area. The site is also consistent with national policy contained in the NPPF, in terms of supporting economic growth, meeting employment needs and the specific needs for high technology industries, the preferred location for strategic development, and accessibility by sustainable modes of transport.

Figure 10 provides the supporting site location plan for Policy EMP 5. An updated Bedford Innovation Campus Indicative Masterplan Document has been prepared for the promoted development at Pear Tree Farm (and the promoted residential development at Abbey Field West of Elstow allocation, also owned by the Southill Estate). The updated Masterplan Document includes a Concept Masterplan for the promoted development. It is requested that Figure 10 is amended to reflect the site area and Concept Masterplan in the updated Masterplan Document. It is amendments to Figure 10 that is the only basis for the Southill Estate’s objection to Policy EMP 5.

The decision to allocate the Pear Tree Farm site has been informed by the Economic Growth Ambitions Topic Paper, and the assessment of the site against selection criteria and constraints in the Employment Land Study Part 2, and the assessment of the site against sustainability objectives in the Sustainability Appraisal Report.

The Economic Growth Ambitions Topic Paper provides information on the ambitions in PSBLP to rebalance the local economy, with less reliance on Class B8 warehouse and distribution uses and an increase in higher value added jobs. The proposed allocation for a high value science and innovation park would meet the ambitions to rebalance the local economy.

The land at Pear Tree Farm (identified as land at Medbury Farm) is assessed against suitability criteria in the Employment Land Study Part 2 – see pg.41. It is recommended in the Study that the site is retained as an employment allocation.

The site was assessed against sustainability objectives in the Sustainability Appraisal Report and Appendices – see SA Appendix pg. 210 to 212. The Southill Estate’s representations to the Sustainability Appraisal comment in more detail on the findings of the assessment, and request changes to the scores for some sustainability objectives. In summary, negative effects are identified for biodiversity and habitats, historic environment, support for physical activity, and previously developed land. Policy EMP 5 includes policy requirements to address impacts on biodiversity and the historic environment and ensure that mitigation measures are provided as part of the promoted development. It is not normal for employment development to include land for recreational activities, but the promoted development would be accessible by walking and cycling and would connect with a green corridor. The identified development needs for PSBLP will require both previously developed land and greenfield sites. The medium and longer term impacts on biodiversity and habitats, and on the historic environment should be changed to neutral or positive because of the policy requirements in Policy EMP 5 for effective mitigation measures to be implemented as part of the promoted development.

A Landscape and Visual Statement has previously been prepared for the site. In summary, the site and surrounding area is a landscape where commercial and industrial buildings are a common feature. The site is visually and physically connected to the A6 junction with the A421. There is dense vegetation on the edge of settlements and around more recent developments to address landscape and visual impacts. It is recommended in the Report that buildings of a similar size and scale to those in the surrounding area could be provided at the site. It should be noted that Policy EMP 5 includes policy requirements for a masterplan and design codes to be submitted with a planning application (criteria i) and for the design of the promoted development to respect local landscape priorities including views of Elstow Abbey and separation from Elstow village (criteria iii). As such, there are policy requirements to assess landscape and visual impacts at planning application stage once more detailed information is provided on the design and layout of the promoted development.

An updated Bedford Innovation Campus Indicative Masterplan Document has been prepared for the promoted development. This confirms that the site’s developers and landowners will continue to work proactively with Bedford Borough Council to bring forward the development of the site for employment purposes. This includes a commitment to meet the emerging policy requirements set out by policy EMP5.

It is requested that Figure 10, which provides the supporting site location plan for Policy EMP 5, is amended to include additional details of the promoted development as contained in the Concept Masterplan in the updated Masterplan Document.

In conclusion, the Southill Estate supports the draft allocation for science and innovation park and agrees with the policy requirements for the promoted development. No changes are required to Policy EMP 5, but Figure 10 could be updated.
