
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

Representation ID: 3542

Received: 08/08/2021

Respondent: Mr Mark Hilliard

Representation Summary:

Given the uncertainty around the new retail model post covid (potentially yielding additional brownfield developments if there is no demand for large central retailing outlets) and population growth with Brexit, I believe a sensible plan would initially stick with the plans to support the existing requirement. As society adapts to the changes, the Council should develop a phased approach - initial plans based on the current requirements, with the ability to expand to the new figures in the second half of the planning period if needed.

Full text:

Given the uncertainty around the new retail model post covid (potentially yielding additional brownfield developments if there is no demand for large central retailing outlets) and population growth with Brexit, I believe a sensible plan would initially stick with the plans to support the existing requirement. As society adapts to the changes, the Council should develop a phased approach - initial plans based on the current requirements, with the ability to expand to the new figures in the second half of the planning period if needed.