
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

Representation ID: 5252

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Norris

Representation Summary:

It is impossible to accept these housing requirement figures as reasonable when for every adjacent authority area the proportion of new house targets to the areas and community sizes involved Bedford Borough had calculated significantly higher 'government targets'. This is a major inconsistency only recently highlighted by a CPRE study which requires addressing before this proposed 2040 LP can be progressed. Why are the figures so unfairly inflated for Bedford Borough and who is responsible for this?

Full text:

It is impossible to accept these housing requirement figures as reasonable when for every adjacent authority area the proportion of new house targets to the areas and community sizes involved Bedford Borough had calculated significantly higher 'government targets'. This is a major inconsistency only recently highlighted by a CPRE study which requires addressing before this proposed 2040 LP can be progressed. Why are the figures so unfairly inflated for Bedford Borough and who is responsible for this?