
Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8902

Received: 30/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Mills

Representation Summary:

The development of 70ha of this site which is brownfield land is a suitable alternative. At 35dph this could provide 2450 homes which is sufficient to support option 2b with a new settlement option. Brownfield sites should be used in preference to greenfield sites according to the NPPF. We recognise that there are problems with the A6 into Bedford but we believe these issues need to be resolved even with the development proposed for the 2030 plan and to enable residents from the north of Bedford to access the new east west rail. Therefore a new settlement of 2450 homes at Twinwoods would provide the infrastructure funding for this. Sustainable transport could be provided via a parkway station or guided busway and a park and ride bus for the private schools.
The area does not flood, and it is distinct from local villages so there is no risk of coalescence or loss of identity of existing settlements or villages. Development here would support Bedford town centre.
100 word summary Twinwoods site 883
Twinwoods is suitable because it is a brownfield site. Development here could provide infrastructure funding to alleviate the issues on the A6. Eg. by providing a guided busway / park and ride bus for the private schools. Farm Land retained and less villages potentially impacted appears to be the right direction.