Call for Sites Form
Please contact the agent: Michael Robson, Cerda Planning Ltd
(TBC) > 150
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Access via Bedford Road site (separate call for sites submission) and/or Duck End lane.
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Promotion of the site and any subsequent planning application will include a Sustainable Construction and Energy Statement. This will adopt best practice as it exists at that time. It is anticipated the report will include an energy hierarchy so that the correct approach to design is taken to promote an energy efficient low carbon solution. Building fabrics will be reviewed to ensure exceedance on regulatory minimums. Low and zero carbon technologies will be considered including decentralised heating, air to water heat pumps. Electric car charge points will be provided. Sustainable drainage systems will be integrated in the scheme, and a net biodiversity positive will be demonstrated. Extensive landscaping will be provided in public and private spaces.
The site is located about 0.4 miles north of the centre of Wilstead village and approximately 4.6 miles south of Bedford town centre. The access point is east of Duck End Lane. The area and the site's speciic section of Bedford Road experiences little to no traffic congestion. The closest bus stop is just 400m from the proposed access. There is no footway or cycling provision in the area. Cycling is feasible on-road. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic from the proposed development. The access point is very tight for the proposed development and therefore another access point should be examined. Given the proposal, an access road to adoptable standards would be required in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards and the required radius kerbs. Geometry of the adoptable road must be accommodated within the limits of the site frontage.
industrial to the north would need to be considered
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.