Call for Sites Form
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21 and Land to the Rear of 21a to 39 Church End, Biddenham
No use
Golf course
5 (more could be provided)
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1 dwelling per 0.38ha
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No 21 Church End to be demolished to allow adequate access.
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Year 1
High Specification Energy Efficient Housing
No uploaded files for public display
Access will be in the NE of the site - demolishing 21 Church End to provide a new access onto Church End. There is often moderate traffic on Main Road, Biddenham, however most traffic from this site is likely to use Gold Lane to access the A6 and A4280 for most journeys. The 41 bus stops within 400m of the site and provides an hourly service between Northampton and Bedford. Church End does not have a pavement, just a narrow painted pedestrian verge. There is however what appears to be a surfaced footpath running along the southern boundary of the site. The path running along the southern boundary appears to be a cycle path as well, so could be used for direct cycle connectivity. 21 Church End would need to be demolished to achieve the desired access. Church End does not have a pavement so pedestrian and cycle connectivity will have to be provided by linking the development to the existing pedestrian/cycle path running along the southern boundary of the site.
no noise concerns
The site is designated as urban open space. Development of this site would compromise the reason for designation which is Criteria 9 – the space provides a visual break between the built up areas to maintain the local distinctiveness of Biddenham. It lies within the Urban Open Gap between Biddenham Village and Great Denham and would compromise the reasons for that designation. The site is not proposed for allocation.