Call for Sites Form
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Land to the east of Ravensden Church End, Bedford
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30 dph net, 15 dph gross
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Convenience store
150 sq. m.
300 sq. m. - convenience store with ancillary storage.
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3 hectares of parkland and leisure uses
Parkland, play area, sports pitches
There is a existing access from Church End as well as from farmland at Crowhill Farm. It would be proposed to upgrade the existing site access off Church End.
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Year 5 (2028)
The proposed development would assist in the response to climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed dwellings would be energy and water efficient and well insulated. They would have means of generating renewable energy and would be fitted with EV charging points. The site would have a SuDS and address climate change. The development would deliver significant net gains in biodiversity, far exceeding 10%, through provision of parkland and landscaping. The development would assist in enhancing services and facilities, and provide a village store at Ravensden Church End, thereby contributing to the sustainability of the local community.
The site is located on the east side of Church End in the village of Ravensden approximately 4.5 miles northeast of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible via Church End. Church Lane experiences moderate traffic congestion. The nearest bus stop is located 50m from the site access point. There are footways on both sides of Church lane and cycling is possible on-road. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Another access point on the south east corner of the site should be considerated for the proposal of that size. The proposal will require roads to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs.
no residential noise concerns but retail or employment likely to harm amenity
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.