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Results for Taylor Wimpey search
New searchTaylor Wimpey have an agreement with the landowner to promote the site through the call for sites process
Land West of Wyboston – Denybrook Garden Village
Agricultural land
Agricultural land
Agricultural land
Agricultural land
7500-10150 (depending on the level of employment land provided)
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35 dph
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A range of options could be considered including the possibility of a technology park.
As a new settlement the site would provide a range of retail opportunities including supermarkets to meet weekly shopping needs and local centres as part of mixed-use hubs
TBC but likely to be c.15 hectares of land given over to local centres and retail, which would also include an element of community use and business space.
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The site has several existing points of access, including Bushmead Road to the north and Colesden Road to the south.
up to 5000
Subject to planning consents, site preparation could begin with 18 months of adoption (during 2025)
As a new settlement, the proposal could be designed to reflect best practice in mitigation climate change. Taylor Wimpey have assembled a site significantly bigger than that previously assessed for a new settlement which provides the opportunity to provide a greater amount of green space and ecological enhancements which are key to addressing climate change. The site would provide new areas of country park within which there could be structural planting, and opportunities created for local recreation, avoiding the need for residents to travel. Through adoption of garden village principles, an appropriate mix of residential, commercial and community uses can be created within the green framework creating a self-sufficient settlement, supplemented by good internal footpath and cycle way connections. Given the strategic location of Bedford Borough in the Oxford to Cambridge Arc, it has to be recognised that people will travel to key economic centres for work. In this regard, the site is ideally located adjacent to the preferred route of the east west rail line, which will provide direct access to Cambridge, as well as Bedford, providing a further opportunity to limit use of the private car. The development will be constructed to the highest standards with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.
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The site is not proposed for allocation. Whilst this site fits with the development strategy it does not perform as strongly as Site 907 Land at Little Barford. The site has been separately assessed - see New Settlement Site Assessments supporting document.