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Form ID: 995

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Shannon Hubbard


Manor Farm High Street Stagsden MK43 8SQ 2.75 ha

Map 1233

Agricultural farmstead comprising a range of agricultural buildings, hardstanding, and paddock/pastureland.

Agricultural Land

Adopted Highway (High Street) & Residential Development

Residential Development

Residential Development & Agricultural Land



Nothing chosen

30-35 Dwellings

Family houses , Older people housing

No answer given

A low – medium density of 12 dwellings per hectare has been proposed at the site, taking in consideration the surrounding character area of Stagsden and the existing built form of the site. The site could be redeveloped utilising the existing buildings whilst also providing a landscaping scheme that will ensure residential amenity is not harmed.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

As shown on accompanying drawing reference 42228/A, access into the site is from Church Lane to the south west. This existing access is considered suitable for the existing agricultural use of the site but would require improvement to serve future development.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Development at the site could commence in late 2024 with anticipated completion within two years in 2026. The development of this site will supply the village with much needed additional housing, enhance the setting of the nearby Grade I Listed St Leonards Church and village whilst contributing to sustaining existing community facilities.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy to mitigate against any potential future flood risk and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of the development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

There are three existing vehicle access points. The two access points into the site from Church Lane to the south west are considered suitable for the existing agricultural use of the site but would require minor improvement to serve future development. The third access on High Street provides direct pedestrian access to the closest bus stop just 200m south on High Street, serving hourly services for routes 41 and 830. The footways are present on either side of High Street and outside the site on Church Lane. No significant congestion in the vicinity of the nearby A422, however data for Church Lane is not available. There are no designated bicycle lanes or cycling friendly roads in the site's proximity, however cycling is possible using the road surface. Consider marking on street cycle lanes.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 998

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Shannon Hubbard


Land at Westfield Road, Oakley 0.25 ha

Map 1233

Amenity Land

Westfield Road, Tree belt & Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land

Residential Development

Residential Development



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Older people housing

No answer given

A low density of 10-12 dwellings per hectare has been considered, considering the surrounding dwellings and the typology along Westfield Road. A lower density at the site will also reduce harm of existing and future residential amenity.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

The site fronts onto a private section of Westfield Road, where it gains access to the public highway to the east. The site has a private right of way along the private section of road.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2024-25. Given the site is proposed for a low-density housing development, it would be built in one phase.

Any proposed development at the site will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during both the construction and operational phases of development. In addition, renewable energy methods such as solar panels will be considered as part of the detailed design of any future proposals.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access onto Westfield Road. Oakley has moderate traffic most of the time but the size of this development is unlikely to worsen it. Number 51 bus runs to Bedford every 30 minutes approx 600m from the site. It is 500m to the nearest pavement further east along Westfield Rd and there is not space to extend this to the site. There is no pedestrian or cycle activity however Westfield Road only serves a handful of homes, the nearest footway is 500m to the east Consider wider cycle improvements around Oakley (e.g. upgrading some pavements to cycle/pedestrian paths) to potentially relieve congestion.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 999

Other (please specify)

PLease contact the agent


Land at Coffle End, Mill Road, Sharnbrook, Bedford, MK44 1NX 0.91 ha

Map 1233

Paddock/Amenity Land

Mill Road & Residential Development

Agricultural/Wooded Amenity Land

Residential Development

Residential Development



Nothing chosen

10-12 Dwellings

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

A medium density has been assumed of 14 dwellings per hectare, taking into consideration the surrounding character area and built form of this part of Sharnbrook and respecting both existing and future residential amenity.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

There is an existing site access to the site from Mill Road on the north eastern corner of the site, however it is proposed as shown on the accompanying plan reference 38331/A that a new access is provided into the site that has good visibility splays and would be safer.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

It is anticipated that development could start on the site within 12-18 months of the plan being adopted (2024-25). The site portrays no planning constraints that could hinder its delivery and the proposed 10-12 dwellings could be completed by 2028. The site portrays a logical and sustainable site that can contribute to the much-needed local housing need within the area. It is an infill site situation between residential areas of Sharnbrook to the north and the east. The site has excellent transport links to nearby Bedford and the surrounding wider highway network whilst also being sited within close walking and cycling proximity to Sharnbrook High Street.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy to mitigate against any potential future flood risk and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of the development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

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Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located on the south side of Mill Road in the village of Sharnbrook, approximately 7.6 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Mill Road, which is a 30mph speed limit road. Mill Road can be mildly congested, however the potential development would not have a significant impact. A bus stop is located adjacent to the site. There is no footway immediately fronting the site, but there is a 1.8m footway on the other side of the road. There are no formal cycle tracks and cycling is possible only by using the road surface. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes. Crossing facilities for pedestrians to reach the opposite footway required.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Entire site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 1268

Other (please specify)

No answer given


Land South of Coplowe Lane. 0.8 ha

Map 1233

Pasture Land/ Grazing

Residential & St Mary’s Church (Grade II* Listed)

Residential Development

Public Open Space & Agricultural Land

Residential Development (built up area of village) & St Mary’s Church (Grade II* Listed)



Nothing chosen

2-5 Dwellings

Older people housing

The UK currently has an ageing population, with a lack of appropriate housing stock. This site provides a suitable location within the village of Bletsoe to provide older persons housing.

Low density

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access would be taken via an existing field access to the north east from Coplowe Lane as shown on the accompanying plan. Should it be required, access can be obtained via The Avenue to the west. This access is narrow and could provide a footpath/cycle link into the village of Bletsoe.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2024-25. Given the site is proposed for a low-density housing development, it would be built in one phase.

Any proposed development at the site will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during both the construction and operational phases of development. In addition, renewable energy methods such as solar panels and ground source heating will be considered as part of the detailed design of any future proposals.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located in the village of Bletsoe, on Coplowe Lane approximately 8 miles north of Bedford town centre. The site is accessed from a proposed new access point along Coplowe Lane. Surrounding traffic appears light and the development would not cause significant problems. The closest bus stop is located almost directly outside of the site. A footway is present adjacent to the north corner of the site however this may need improvement. Should it be required, alternative pedestrian/cycle access into Bletsoe can also be obtained via The Avenue to the west. There are no formal cycleways serving the site, however cycling is possible by using the quiet roads in the vicinity. Improvement of pedestrian access would be needed - either via provision of a footpath extension along the frontage of the site or via the alternative access point.

Nothing chosen

potential noise from Yarlswood and twinwoods business park

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 1269

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent


Land adjacent to Souldrop Road and to the North of High Street, Sharnbrook 9.4 ha

Map 1233

Pastureland/Paddock & Residential Dwelling/Outbuildings & Yard (to the west)

Agricultural Land

Residential Development

Agricultural Land

Souldrop Road and Tofte Manor



Nothing chosen

250 - 300

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

Medium – High Density. The site is located adjacent to the settlement boundary of Sharnbrook. Its development will contribute to local housing need in a significant way and will contribute to sustaining the services and facilities within Sharnbrook.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Access can be obtained to the site via an existing access from Souldrop Road to the west, as shown on the accompanying site location plan reference 48097-1.







No answer given

No answer given

Given the size of the site and proposed housing numbers, it is proposed that the site will be built on a phased basis starting in 2024-25, phasing the development until 2029-2030.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

x Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers 25-50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

xx Development would be in flood zones 3a or 3b.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

x Serious capacity constraint

The site is located on the west side of Souldrop Road in the village of Sharnbrook approximately 8.8 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible via Souldrop Road, however further assessment is needed to determine whether Souldrop Road can handle this level of traffic and as such, widening may be required. Due to the size of the development, two access points may also be necessary. There is moderate traffic congestion nearby at peak times and this scale of potential development would have an impact. The nearest bus stop is located approximately 450m south of the site on High Street. The nearest footways are close to the junction of Souldrop Rd and High St. Cycling is possible only by using the road surface. The size of the proposed development needs careful examination and further investigation, including investigation into the requirement for more than one access point. In this context, traffic modelling will need to be undertaken, as part of a Transport Assessment, to identify the traffic impact on Souldrop Road, High Street and Souldrop Road/High Street junction. The proposal will require roads to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. Connection to existing footways to the south along High Street are required. Marking on of road cycle lanes shoudl be considered

Nothing chosen

noise from santa pod

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 1270

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent


Land to the rear of 157 Bedford Road, Wootton, MK43 9BA. 2.23 ha

Map 1233

Paddock/Grazing/Stables and Menagerie

Agricultural Land & Woodland

Residential Development

Grade II Listed Dwelling and Amenity Buildings, Agricultural Land & Residential Development

Agricultural Land & Woodland



Nothing chosen

40-50 dwellings

Family houses , Older people housing

No answer given

Medium density, any scheme at the site will include the development of the stables included with the redline plan.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

As shown on the accompanying site location plan, access can be achieved via Wootton Road to the east of the site.





40 - 50

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Late 2024 – Mid 2025. It is anticipated that the development can be built out in one phase and will provide a well-designed and sustainable housing development to meet with local need. The development will also sustain and enhance existing services and community facilities within Wootton.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Access from Wootton Road on eastern edge of site. There are approx 4 bus services (2 routes) per hour stopping within 150m of the site. No footway on the development side of the road, narrow (1m) footway on the opposite side of the road. A traffic-free track that appears to be commonly used by cycles starts within 350m, but legal use needs confirming. This connects to a mostly off-road cycle route to Bedford, access for which is 1.2km away if not using the track. A pedestrian crossing on Wootton Road would be recommended to connect the site to the existing footway. There is scope for the footway to be widened from 1m to 2m if needed. Check ownership/access rights of cycle track 350m NE of the site.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 1876

Other (please specify)

Please contact agent.


Land on the East Side of The Causeway, Carlton, Bedford 0.8 ha

Map 1233

No use







Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

1 Dwelling per .053ha

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access directly from The Causeway






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Year 1

High Specification Energy Efficient Housing

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located east of The Causeway in Carlton approximately 8 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from the southwest corner of the site onto The Causeway. There is moderate peak time congestion in the vicinity and the development could exacerbate this. There is a bus stop directly outside of the site. There is a narrow footway on the other side of the Causeway and cycling is possible only on quiet roads in the vicinity. Pedestrian footway development along The Causeway in front of the site to enable accessibility to bus stop locations for pedestrians. Improved bus transport service with regular frequency and Real-Time information. Consider marking onstreet cycle lanes.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

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