Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

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Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4990

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Council should reconsider extending the Plan period to 2050 in order that the Arc Framework’s policies and proposals are fully reflected and captured in the Development Plan, and to take account of paragraph 22 of the NPPF.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4991

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The scope of the Plan will need to consider the implications of the recent changes in national policy (NPPF July 2021), and the emerging content of the Arc Spatial Framework.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4992

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

A Technical Note has been prepared by Jubb on behalf of Rainier Developments Limited, and is submitted by email separately.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4993

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Council are requested to reconsider its development strategy options to take into account the requirement for growth within villages in accordance with national policy, and to specifically take into account the sustainability of Bromham as a location that has and can continue to contribute to a sustainable pattern of development within Bedford Borough. Although it does not currently form part of the preferred strategy, there are sound planning reasons why the strategy should include growth in Bromham as explained below and in the representations to paragraph 3.17.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4994

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Council are requested to reconsider its development strategy options to take into account the requirement for growth within villages in accordance with national policy, and to specifically take into account the sustainability of Bromham as a location that has and can continue to contribute to a sustainable pattern of development within Bedford Borough. Although it does not currently form part of the preferred strategy, there are sound planning reasons why the strategy should include growth in Bromham as explained below and in the representations to paragraph 3.17.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4995

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

In the context of the need to boost housing supply in light of the increased housing requirement (circa 33% increase per annum), the Council should in this Plan proceed with making allocations in order to speed up delivery and ensure the housing need (including affordable) is met as soon as possible. Awaiting Neighbourhood Plans to be reviewed or prepared would add unnecessary delay which may adversely affect the trajectory and five year housing land supply (against the higher housing requirement).


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4996

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

As the consultation acknowledges, the figure of 1,275 dwellings per year is the Local Housing Need and is the starting point. It is also the minimum number of homes needed in accordance with national policy (paragraph 61). The Council need to consider whether a higher figure is necessary in order to address the worsening issue of affordability (with average house prices 8.4 times average earnings), or in order to respond to unmet needs that may arise from neighbouring areas or from the Greater London authorities.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4997

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Council will need to demonstrate in its evidence base that existing commitments can be delivered within the plan period, and these will also need to be set out within the proposed trajectory as indicated to be provided at paragraph 3.4. The trajectory will of course need to be realistic as required by national policy (NPPF paragraph 73), and should have regard to the evidence from Start to Finish Two (Lichfields Feb 2020).


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4998

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Council need to consider the social and economic consequences of a stepped trajectory, namely the impact of unmet housing needs arising within the Borough over the first half of the plan period (i.e. 2020 to 2030). If suitable and deliverable sites are available now in sustainable locations, they should be allocated and the strategy amended to avoid or minimise the need for a stepped trajectory. Housing needs are arising now, and they should be met as soon as possible.


Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation


Representation ID: 4999

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Rainier Developments Limited (Bromham)

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

In determining the best growth strategy, we encourage the Council to reconsider its approach to Bromham and include it as a discreet addition to its preferred strategy, and allow for further growth over the Plan period. Rainier Developments would draw your specific attention to land south of Northampton Road, Bromham (ID 757) as a suitable site that would complement the strategy in this context.

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