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Land at Kempston Hardwick, off Broadmead Road and Manor Road
Partly former Brickworks, partly Agricultural
A421 & Commercial
Former clay pits and commercial
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B1, B2 and B8
780,379 sqm
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The site would be accessed from Ampthill Road to the north east, Broadmead Road to the south and Bedford Road to the west. Manor Road runs through the middle of the site. Please see accompanying ‘Access’ plan.
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Please see accompanying statement
There would be several access points, but the main access will be off new roundabouts on Bedford Road and Ampthill Road. The former connects to the A421 junction just north of the site, providing easy access on road with no existing traffic issues. Given the scale of the proposed development, it may contribute to future traffic issues in the area, so further assessment will be required. There are no existing bus services near the site, however Kempston Hardwick rail station is near the middle of the site, providing a service between Bedford and Bletchly approx every 30 minutes in each direction. There are no pedestrian or cycle facilities at the main vehicular access points, however there is a cycle track just west of the site which could be accessed, and it is noted that the proposal includes a cycle/pedestrian connection to this existing track. Further assessment required to mitigate potential traffic issues due to the development. New junctions and a route across the rail ine will be required as per proposed access plans. A connection for pedestrians and cyclists to the existing cycle track with bridge over the A421 would be required. This would likely take the form of a shared path stretching from Kempton Harwick station for approx 700m along Manor road.
site is between a rail line and a main road, significnat noise levels in area
The site is suitable for allocation as a new settlement to include a mix of uses including residential, business / science campus and innovation hub as part of a larger allocation. The larger site has been assessed separately - Site 0004. Site is proposed for allocation in combination with other sites 745, 898, 900, 905 and 1050 - HOU14 Kempston Hardwick new settlement.