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Form ID: 1010

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Tom Fraser, Savills


Land at Northampton Road, Bromham 19.4 ha

Map 1233


Residential and Agricultural

Residential and Agricultural

Residential and Agricultural

Residential and Agricultural



Nothing chosen

Approximately 400

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given


Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

From Northampton Road







No answer given

No answer given


Accord with the policy

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located north of Northampton Road west of Bromham area approximately 4 miles west of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Northampton Road, which is a 40mph road along the frontage of the site. Northampton Road does not appear to have any significant traffic congestion issues, however a development of this size could cause some moderate issues. The closest bus stop is located approximately 450m south of the site. There are no footways or formal cycle lane outside of the site. A Transport Asssessment would be needed to assess the impact of the development on the highway network and recommend satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists, likely comprising a shared pedestrian/cycle path. Given the number of homes proposed, it is likely that more than one access point will be necessary off Northampton Road. The proposal will require roads to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. Potential reduction of the speed limit of Oakley Road in the frontage of the site to 30mph.

Nothing chosen

only noise concern is A428

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 7467

Other (please specify)

No answer given


Land off The High Road, Shortstown, Bedford

Map 1233


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given



Nothing chosen

Circa 165 dwellings, but the scale is flexible and to be discussed with the Council.

Family houses

No answer given

35dph (this is also flexible and to be discussed with the Council).

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership , Other

First Homes

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access for both land parcels will be obtained from the A600 (The High Road)



Nothing chosen


Development will commence within 3 years of outline planning permission, with completion by year 5 at the latest.

Development will commence within 3 years of outline planning permission, with completion by year 5 at the latest.

No answer given

No answer given

Within 3 years on the basis that planning permission is granted close to the adoption date.

The proposals will accord with the Council’s Local Plan climate change policies. Gladman welcomes a meeting with the Council to discuss the Council’s climate change policies and how the scheme can be shaped to meet those targets. An initial concept plan has been provided as part of this site submission. This is indicative at this stage but can used as basis for early discussions on the design of the proposals, including climate change objectives.

No answer given


Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

The site is severed by A600 High Road to form two parcels of land to the west and east which are bordered to the north by Old Harrowden Road and Harrowden Lane respectively. The site lies some 3.5 km (2.18 miles) southeast of Bedford town centre. The level difference between each land parcel and A600 High Road could be a significant barrier to achieving safe and suitable accesses but there is no obvious reason why this cannot be overcome through civil engineering solutions. Old Harrowden Road and Harrowden Lane are narrow and have no footway pavement thereby making them less suitable than A600 High Road as locations for the site accesses. The nearest bus stop is located on High Road close to the site. There is footway/cycleway on the west side of A600 High Road. There is no significant traffic congestion on A600 but the cumulative traffic impact of development sites in the area could over the years introduce congestion issues particularly on route to Bedford town centre. National Highways would need to be consulted with regard to the A421/A600 junction. Suggested Mitigation Measures: • Understand the cumulative traffic impact of development sites in the area; • Engineering solutions to the level difference between site and A600 High Road; • Right turn lanes may be required for traffic turning right into the site accesses from A600 High Road; • The layout of the site access junctions with the A600 should slow speeds and improve the highway context as it merges with the village. • Extend 30 mph speed limit on A600 high Road northwards to a point north of Harrowden Lane; • Connections to the existing and 'new' parts of the village, north across A421/A600 junction, Harrowden Lane (E and W) and ROW by walking and cycling should be considered and improved; • As the proposed accesses abut highway, proposals could consider a scheme that provides accesses as well as improving highway safety including visibility.

Nothing chosen

Noise assessment regarding noise from the bypass would be required.

Part of the site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy. Site 7467 is located in Shortstown and it is proposed to allocate the land for c.165 dwellings. The Council received a Heritage Appraisal which identified less than substantial harm to four grade II listed buildings (at the lower end of the spectrum) located in Harrowden. Whilst visiting the site however, Officers did not share the view that the impact to each individual asset would be uniform, and did not ultimately agree with the scale of harm to assets identified within the HA. Where HIAs were submitted on behalf of the promoter, Officers visited site and complied their own assessment using the findings of the HIA as a basis for the report. In this instance, the same approach was considered appropriate to properly explain the reasoning behind the difference in opinion. Ultimately, the Officers’ assessment found a larger degree of cumulative harm to heritage assets than that identified in the HIA, and this was passed to the Policy team for consideration.

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