Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

Ended on the 3 September 2021

4.0 Site allocations and call for sites

(16)4.1 Alongside last year's issues and options consultation the Council invited landowners, developers and their consultants to submit information about sites that could be available to meet the borough's growth needs.

(4)4.2 In response over 430 sites were submitted and information about them is published on the Council's website at https://www.bedford.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy-its-purpose/local-plan-review/
Further details of the way in which sites will be selected are given in the Site Selection Methodology, June 2021 (see Table 1).

(4)4.3 We have undertaken a large part of the site assessment work and you can view this by looking at the Council's interactive call for sites map. When you select a site you will see that an additional tab called 'site assessment' has been created. More information will be added as it becomes available.

(28)4.4 If you have any comments on the sites or the assessment that has been carried out to date, please let us know by accessing the 'Site Assessment Pro formas' document on the Council's Opus Consult Consultations home page. You can leave comments against the site or sites you are interested in. If you have any queries about how to use this system, please see the help guide.

(2)4.5 The assessment of sites is also available as a PDF document and you can use this if you prefer. Please make sure you give the site reference number if you choose this option and wish to comment on a site.

(64)4.6 When added together, the sites which have been submitted for potential housing development total far more dwellings than need to be allocated in this plan, and therefore many of them will not be required for development. However, specific site allocations can only be fixed once consultation comments have been considered and the strategy is firmed up.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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