Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Ended on the 29 July 2022

(1)Appendix 2

Monitoring and Review

The Local Plan 2040 will influence the way the borough is developed in the coming years. To assess how effective the Plan is in achieving the vision and objectives, the Council will fulfil its requirement to monitor the policies along with any other saved policies from other planning documents. It will do this through its monitoring reports.

The monitoring reports will assess the success of the Plan in meeting its aims and objectives by looking at how the policies are implemented. Targets and indicators to measure the effects of policies will be completed at regular intervals.

The collection of data will be from a range of sources. These will include surveys carried out by the Council, for example housing, employment and retail completion surveys as well as the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. Internal stakeholders will be consulted on areas the Council has direct knowledge of (such as cycleway improvements, the tenure of affordable housing, historic environment assets). External and partner stakeholders will be consulted to provide further information on areas that affect development in the borough but is governed by other agencies (such as progress on the Forest of Marston Vale and the use of renewable energy or water in households).

If monitoring indicates that targets are not being met, consideration will be given on why that might be the case and whether the Local Plan requires reviewing as a result.

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