Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Ended on the 29 July 2022

(2)Appendix 3

Opportunity Sites

1. Bedford Blues Rugby Club, Bedford

Map of Bedford Blues Rugby Club

There may be an opportunity to improve the major leisure facility at the Rugby Club, Goldington Road, Bedford and at the same time deliver new housing close to the town centre.

The size of the rugby pitch and stadium capacity does not meet the standards that would allow promotion of Bedford Blues to the rugby Premiership.

The Club wishes to improve its facilities and has sought policy support for some enabling development on the site. However, at the current time there is not sufficient certainty that the site is available for development.

More detailed design work will be required in relation to the impact of development on the adjacent listed building, conservation area and the surrounding local area.

Existing schools in the area have capacity to serve the development.

2. Jowett Sidings and Royal Mail Depot, Midland Road, Bedford

Map of Jowett Sidings and Royal Mail Depot

Bedford Midland station will be redeveloped as part of the EWR project but the precise location and configuration of the station is as yet unknown. Until such time as the EWR proposals are confirmed, the impact on the Jowett sidings and Royal Mail land to the south of Midland road is also unknown. As proposals become clearer, there may be the potential for additional land in this location to be included in development proposals.

As a result, the Jowett sidings and Royal Mail sites are included as an opportunity site in accordance with Policy DS6.

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