Greyfriars Development Brief SPD
Ended on the 19 December 2023
7 Phasing and delivery
Phased development is critical to the delivery of the site. Phasing has been considered from the outset, and is one of the determining development principles critical to being able to achieve one of the Council's key requirements of: making sure that all existing residents can remain on-site during the redevelopment; and existing residents only needing to relocate once.
The following indicative phasing strategy:
- Keeps the major underground utilities and substation in-situ;
- Allows Phase 1 to be delivered on the existing surface car park. The car park spaces will be re- located to the adjacent Allhallows MSCP; and
- Facilitates the retention of all existing residents on-site during the redevelopment. By building on the surface car park first, residents can move into Phase 1, enabling the demolition of Beckett Court and the building of Phase 2, and so forth.
The Council and bpha as the majority landowner will need to work together to facilitate the redevelopment of the Greyfriars site. Common objectives as identified in this Development Brief will need to guide future decisions in terms of phasing, delivery strategy, development capacity and detailed design.
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