Call for Sites Form

Showing forms 121 to 150 of 461
Form ID: 510

Land owner

No answer given


Land East of Vicars Close, Biddenham

Map 1233
Show full map



Agricultural (with planning permission) and Residential





Nothing chosen

5 dwellings

Family houses

Housing Mix to reflect Local Planning Authority's Requirements

Approx 10-12 dwellings per hectare

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access from Vicars Close





5 dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The owners of the site understand and agree with the importance of responding positively to the climate emergency. The proposed development site lies within an existing community with all relevant employment and services (e.g. schooling, leisure activities etc.) accessible by foot, bicycle or public transport. Any development will - as a minimum - comply with all relevant building controls in relation to water and energy efficiency and in practice it is expected that these standards will be exceeded when detailed plans and specifications are drawn up.


Below - exclude at stage 1


Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

N/A in UAB

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access will be onto Vicars Close, a single track road. There is often moderate traffic on Main Road (which Vicars Close joins), however the size of this development is unlikely to make either of these problems worse. There are bus stops within 400m where the 41 bus provides an hourly service between Northampton and Bedford. Vicars Close is a single track road with no pavement, however the road itself is signposted as a public footpath due to low traffic levels. There is an off-road cycle path approx 750m from the site. Pedestrian access should be provided along Vicars Close, where there is adequate space for a suitable footway.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is within the urban area in a location on the edge of Biddenham where, given the character and density of surrounding development, it is unlikely that five dwellings could be satisfactorily accommodated. Five dwellings is the lower threshold for allocations in the local plan. An alternative way forward would be for this site to be progressed through the pre-app / planning application process. The site is not proposed for allocation.

Form ID: 511

Land owner

No answer given


Louis Park, Bedford Road, Milton Ernest, Bedford. MK44 1RJ

Map 1233
Show full map

Park Land






All other types

Housing , Employment , Retail , All other types



To be determined.

To be determined

Nothing chosen

To be determined.

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given


No answer given

Rural Crafts

Unknown at this time.

Unknown at this time.

No answer given

Unknown at this time.

The establishment of Independent Rural Craft Units.

Suitable access is achievable

Access points as existing onto A6.





To be determined.

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

To ensure that the landscape is enhanced through a long term policy of a substantial increase in woodland area. Also to ensure that any structures created incorporate the latest environmentally friendly materials and technology requirements, in order to meet future environmental standards.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

The current access would be suitable for a small development (up to 20 homes). A larger development would require a larger access point. No significant traffic congestion in the area. There are bus stops 300m away where the number 50 bus provides an approximatly hourly service between Bedford and Rushden. There is a shared cycle/pedestrian path directly outside the site along the A6/Bedford Rd frontage. The location of the access point is suitable, however the size and form of the access itself will depend on the size of the development. Any medium or large development would require a wider junction. Connect the site to the existing shared path.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns beyond western agricultural which would not be insurmountable

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 512

Other (please specify)



18A The Lane, Wyboston, Bedford, MK44 3AP

Map 1233
Show full map

Part Storage and part business



A1 Trunk Road

Residential and Lorry Storage Depot



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

30 units per hectare

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Roadway from The Lane into the site. There are major improvements being proposed because of the Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet new road which includes an upgrade of the A1 including access to The Lane. This will only improved the existing access. There is an existing access onto the A1 but assume that this will be closed off.





The site could be completed within this time period.

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Include latest domestic insulation methods in the design and construction of the dwellings. Use solar panels to generate electricity for use in the dwellings and to sell to the national grid. Harvest rainwater and use same as appropriate. Include car charging points as standard. Include latest digital systems to save energy.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Currently a storage and business site, adjacent to the A1 (dual carriageway) with site access onto The Lane. The development proposes residential and employment use. The width of The Lane at this section is varied and approximately 5.6m and good quality footway is present on the opposite side of site albeit is less than the standard minimum of 2m in width. There is no cycle lane or quietway in the vicinity and although the roads in the area are generally low traffic, The Lane sometimes sees some congestion due to it's connection to the A1. The closest bus stop is approximately 200m from the site with 905 connecting Cambridge and Bedford stopping twice per hour and monthly W9 and W10 services. A Transport Assessment would be needed to assess the overall impact of the developments in the area as the cumulative impact could be quite large on the local highway network. Improvement of pedestrian and cycle access would be needed - provision of designated cycle path and potentially widening of the footpath.

Nothing chosen

noise from A1

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 513

Other (please specify)



Land north of Lovell Road, Oakley

Map 1233
Show full map

Canine dressage training

Mainline Railway

Lovell Road





Nothing chosen


Family houses , Flats , Other


No answer given

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

No answer given






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Development at the site will address both adaptation and mitigation through water and energy efficiency, appropriate layout, design and landscaping, and the use of renewable energy



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located on land North of Lowell Road between Oakley and Clapham. Access would be provided via Lowell Road, an adopted and classified road comprising of a 6.4m wide single carriageway with grass verge outside the site but footway on the opposite side. Lowell Road normally carries light traffic. The footpath on the other side of the road is fairly wide but not of the best quality.There is no cycle path in the vicinity and the closest bus stop is 150m away from the site entrance, serving buses 25 and 51, three times per hour. Cycle connection improvements would be recommended as well as improvement of the pedestrian facilities, such as improving the quality of the footpath, but at the least providing safe crossing from the development.

Nothing chosen

predominant concern is railway noise

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 514

Land owner

No answer given


Land off Brookfield Church Lane Pavenham MK43 7PT

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given


Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable






5 dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


By adopting a holistic approach and ensuring the properties are lifetime homes that are energy efficient reducing carbon emissions and incorporating the use of renewable energy - solar thermal - solar photovoltaic with battery storage and vehicle-charging infrastructure and including water efficiency and including water recycling.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the west side of Church Lane in the village of Pavenham approximately 6 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Brookfields road. There is no significant traffic congestion on High Street. The nearest bus stop is located 150m south of the site on High Street. No footways serve the site. Cycling is possible on-road Cycle/ped signage would be recommended as well as improvement of the pedestrian facilities.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 515

Land owner

No answer given


Land to the east of Ravensden Church End, Bedford

Map 1233
Show full map








Housing , Retail , All other types


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

30 dph net, 15 dph gross

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given


No answer given

Convenience store

150 sq. m.

300 sq. m. - convenience store with ancillary storage.

No answer given

3 hectares of parkland and leisure uses

Parkland, play area, sports pitches

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

There is a existing access from Church End as well as from farmland at Crowhill Farm. It would be proposed to upgrade the existing site access off Church End.







No answer given

No answer given

Year 5 (2028)

The proposed development would assist in the response to climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed dwellings would be energy and water efficient and well insulated. They would have means of generating renewable energy and would be fitted with EV charging points. The site would have a SuDS and address climate change. The development would deliver significant net gains in biodiversity, far exceeding 10%, through provision of parkland and landscaping. The development would assist in enhancing services and facilities, and provide a village store at Ravensden Church End, thereby contributing to the sustainability of the local community.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the east side of Church End in the village of Ravensden approximately 4.5 miles northeast of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible via Church End. Church Lane experiences moderate traffic congestion. The nearest bus stop is located 50m from the site access point. There are footways on both sides of Church lane and cycling is possible on-road. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Another access point on the south east corner of the site should be considerated for the proposal of that size. The proposal will require roads to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs.

Nothing chosen

no residential noise concerns but retail or employment likely to harm amenity

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 516

Other (please specify)



Land Adjoining Colmworth Road, Little Staughton

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

No answer given


Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access to be taken from Colmworth Road







No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The development will be sustainable, utilising resources efficiently. Development will use water and energy efficiency, including the use of renewable energy. The development will have an appropriate layout, design and landscaping.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the west side of Colmworth Road, west of the village of Little Staughton approximately 10 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from the northwest corner of Colmworth Road. Current traffic congestion is already moderate in the area, north of the site towards Green End village. The nearest bus stop is located adjacent to the site on Colmworth Road with low service frequency. There are no footways serving the site at the frontage, but there is a 1.6m footway on the other side of the road. Cycling is possible on-road only. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Improve bus services with regular frequency. The proposal will require a road to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. A potential second access point in the southeast corner of the site would be necessary. Potential to include footways within the site and investigate cycle lanes on Colmworth Road.

Nothing chosen

early morning noise from dairy

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 517

Other (please specify)



Land to the rear of 1-2 The Paddocks Great Barford Bedford MK44 3EW

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen

Up to 20

Family houses

No answer given

Roughly 28 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

The site is currently accessed directly off Green End Road, this access will be upgraded as part of the proposals and an alternative secondary access into the site will be included if required.





Up to 20

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposals will seek to comply with Local Plan 2030 Policy 51S. The settlement in which the site is located is sustainable, providing key services both within the settlement and for surrounding rural communities with public transport links to close by towns. This will limit the need for out of settlement trips in a private vehicle, thus reducing emissions. Tree planting will be used where suitable, with open space used to provide a net biodiversity gain. Dwellings will seek to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions, solar panels will be considered where viable as will the installation of the electric car charging points. Water efficiency will be factored into the proposals.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

x Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers 25-50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

There is an existing access point onto Green End Road, however it will need to be widened. Some moderate traffic in Great Barford on occasions however nothing that a development of this size will make worse. There are bus stops within 450m where the 905 bus provides a half-hourly service between Bedford and Cambridge. There is a pavement directly outside the site, however the site access is narrow so land aquisition may be needed to widen it enough for a pavement. There is no specific cycle connectivity but Great Barford is on the national cycle network giving fairly easy connections to Bedford and St Neots. The existing access point is very narrow and will need to be widened to accommodate two-way traffic plus a pavement on at least one side.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 518

Land owner

No answer given


Land at Wootton House, Wootton

Map 1233
Show full map


Church & Residential

School Playing Fields & Countryside


Wootton House and School



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

27 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

See location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Upon the grant of any planning consent. All units completed within a year.

• Helping to reduce the urban heat island effect by planning green space and using appropriate shade when locating the development; • Using flood prevention/mitigation techniques including landscape features such as ponds. The Surface Water Drainage Strategy will include an allowance for climatic change; • Reducing the ratio of building height to the spacing between buildings to have a positive effect on natural ventilation; • Including green roofs and walls to insulate against heat gains, absorb rainfall and provide (for roofs) useable outdoor space as well as improving the external environment; • Including provision of greenery, such as vertical gardens, climbers and green roofs on the building envelope to help ameliorate the heat gains in summer; • Planting deciduous trees to provide shade in summer, while permitting solar gain in winter when it is useful; • Inclusion of larger floor-to-ceiling heights in buildings to help in allowing later addition of any cooling mechanisms. In addition, higher ceilings also trap hot air above the heads of people using the room, making the room feel cooler and negating the need for A/C, fans, etc.; • Using permeable paving anywhere that loadings will not cause structural failure. • Providing a rainwater collection system/grey-water recycling for watering gardens and landscaped areas; • Using surface treatments which reflect heat in summer, such as light coloured block-paving or render on buildings; • Incorporating electric vehicle charging points in new developments • Ensuring effective orientation and layout to maximise solar-passive strategies; • Adding or increasing insulation levels and using well-designed, climate-appropriate, insulation solutions • Using appropriate glazing and window styles for climate (e.g. low U-value; high solar heat gain coefficient in cold climates and low in warmer climates); • Sizing and orientating windows to minimise summer heat gains and maximise winter solar gains; • Using renewable energy such as solar thermal, PV or heat pumps.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility. , x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The development is at Wootton House just South of Hall End Road, North of site 447. The proposal suggests residential use only. Access not indicated on the proposal, only that mitigation will be required. Closest road is a small access road off Church Row / Jenkyn Road, only suitable for one-way traffic, with no cycle provision or footpath, nor enough space on the road for new provision. There is good PT connection to Bedford, with bus 53, 53A, 68, C1 and C5 stops within 400m distance running 4 times per hour overall. Significant widening of the existing access road or a new access road to Hall End Road would be required and likely not feasible with the space available

Nothing chosen

playing field only concern

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 519

Land owner

No answer given


Land to the south east of Wymington Road, Podington

Map 1233
Show full map

Agricultural, including buildings



agricultural and residential curtilage




Nothing chosen

TBC although it is anticipated it could accommodate between 30-50 dwellings if developed in its entirety

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Other

affordable in accordance with policy

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

There is an existing access via Wymington Road.





No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Access using existing access West of site on Wymington Road; rural. Direct access and other roads within 1km show no congestion. 2-3 buses per day 600m from the site in Podington - number 25. There is no footway and limited scope for new infrastructure. No cycling routes in the site's vicinity. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements

Nothing chosen

noise from agricultural use may harm amenity

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 520

Land owner

No answer given


Land Off Church Lane Pavenham MK43 7PU

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

No answer given

15 dwg/ha

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Off Church Lane





70 dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


By adopting a holistic approach and ensuring the properties are lifetime homes that are energy efficient reducing carbon emissions and incorporating the use of renewable energy - solar thermal - solar photovoltaic with battery storage and vehicle-charging infrastructure and including water efficiency.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

x Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers 25-50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the west side of Church Lane in the village of Pavenham approximately 6 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Church Lane. There is no traffic congestion on High Street. The closest bus stop is 290m south of the site on High Street. The are no formal footways serving the site. Cycling is possible on-road. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Improved bus transport service with regular frequency. The proposal will require a road to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 521

Other (please specify)

Land Promoter


Land East of Oakley Road, Bromham (adjacent to no. 52 Oakley Road).

Map 1233
Show full map

Agricultural field.

agricultural fields

existing housing

agricultural fields

Oakley Road and agricultural fields beyond it



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given


Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Access would be in the form of a new priority junction with Oakley Road






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

It is assumed that planning permission would be secured within 12 months of an allocations and the size of the site is such that it would only take 12 – 18 months to build in the current market.

• Helping to reduce the urban heat island effect by planning green space and using appropriate shade when locating the development; • Using flood prevention/mitigation techniques including landscape features such as ponds. The Surface Water Drainage Strategy will include an allowance for climatic change; • Reducing the ratio of building height to the spacing between buildings to have a positive effect on natural ventilation; • Including green roofs and walls to insulate against heat gains, absorb rainfall and provide (for roofs) useable outdoor space as well as improving the external environment; • Including provision of greenery, such as vertical gardens, climbers and green roofs on the building envelope to help ameliorate the heat gains in summer; • Planting deciduous trees to provide shade in summer, while permitting solar gain in winter when it is useful; • Inclusion of larger floor-to-ceiling heights in buildings to help in allowing later addition of any cooling mechanisms. In addition, higher ceilings also trap hot air above the heads of people using the room, making the room feel cooler and negating the need for A/C, fans, etc.; • Using permeable paving anywhere that loadings will not cause structural failure. • Providing a rainwater collection system/grey-water recycling for watering gardens and landscaped areas; • Using surface treatments which reflect heat in summer, such as light coloured block-paving or render on buildings; • Incorporating electric vehicle charging points in new developments • Ensuring effective orientation and layout to maximise solar-passive strategies; • Adding or increasing insulation levels and using well-designed, climate-appropriate, insulation solutions • Using appropriate glazing and window styles for climate (e.g. low U-value; high solar heat gain coefficient in cold climates and low in warmer climates); • Sizing and orientating windows to minimise summer heat gains and maximise winter solar gains; • Using renewable energy such as solar thermal, PV or heat pumps.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located east of Oakley Road in the Bromham area approximately 4 miles west of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Oakley Road, which is a 30mph road. The potential development could cause significant problems for congestion on the local road network. The closest bus stop is located 350m south of the site. There are no footways or formal cycleways serving the site. Cycling is possible by using the road surface. A Transport Asssessment would be needed to assess the impact of the development on the highway network. Improvement of pedestrian and cycle access would be needed - provision of a footpath and on road cycle markings along Oakley Road.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 522

Land owner

No answer given


The Caravan and Camping Site Church Hill Ravensden Bedford MK44 2RL

Map 1233
Show full map

Caravan and camping site, and use by adjacent radio club









Older people housing

No answer given

24 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Existing vehicular access off Church Hill towards the centre of the site frontage.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Year 3 - 2027

The proposed development would assist in response to climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed dwellings would be single-storey dwellings for older people only. They would be energy and water efficient and well insulated. They would have means of generating renewable energy and would be fitted with EV charging points. The site would have a SuDS and address climate change. The development would deliver net gains in biodiversity, far exceeding 10%, through extensive landscaping on the site boundaries within a minimum 5m deep landscape strip.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Site adjacent to site 164, and similar number of dwellings proposed (12), therefore same score and comments. Site adjacent to site 164 , and very similar number of dwellings proposed (12), therefore same score and comments.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 523

Land owner

No answer given


Land to the east of Wymington Road, Podington

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen

TBC although it is anticipated it could accommodate between 35-50 dwellings if developed in its entirety

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Other

affordable in accordance with policy

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

There is no access to an adopted highway

It is considered that the site could be accessed via the land to the south which is also submitted for consideration.





No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Site adjacent to site 519, and very similar number of dwellings proposed (50 max), therefore same score and comments.

Nothing chosen

Dependent on adjacent premises and whether they have housing permitted, if not noise from the agricultural use may harm amenity

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 524

Land owner

Joint Application - See below


Land to the South West of The Interchange Retail Park and North of the A421, Kempston Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 7AZ

Map 1233
Show full map

Broadcasting tower (agreement expiring imminently), otherwise open land

Railway line, Industrial Estate to North West, Retail Park to North East

A421, Countryside beyond

Retail Park (North East), Open Countryside

Railway Line, Industrial Estate

Don't know


Retail , All other types

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Any B1, B2 and/or B8 uses

Circa 11,250 across all uses, dependant on proposal. Total site area approx. 33,050sqm

Any retail (as an extension to the Interchange Park)


Estimated total floorspace circa 11,250sqm across all uses, which is dependant on end user(s). No specific floorspace allocation is given at this stage to individual uses. Floorspace could increase or decrease dependant on final proposal.

No answer given

To be included in the above estimated floorspace, no specific floorspace allocation given.

D2 Leisure and Recreation uses.

Suitable access is achievable

At present, the site has retained access located to the rear of the Interchange Retail Park however the intention is to reinstate and extend the old road, which was closed when the A421 works were completed, which links to the roundabout on the B530 and is still owned by the Council. This road could be extended to then provide suitable access to the eastern most point of the site.





All floorspace

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


This proposal would adhere to all policies relating to sustainable construction at the time of the application and the relevant building regulations at the time of construction. Given the early stages of this proposal, it is premature to set out a specific approach this proposal would take to respond to climate change at this point, however given the importance of climate change the landowner is committed to ensuring any future proposal on this site generates as minimal impact as possible on the environment. Further, as there is some risk of flooding associated with this site, the landowner would investigate opportunities for minimising flood risk events to create a positive impact on flood risk in this location.




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available , Site is likely to be achievable

Include in next stage of assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

x The site is within a green infrastructure opportunity network but is likely to compromise the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

N/A in UAB

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

x The majority of the site is within flood zone 2.

0 Residential development not proposed.

0 Residential development not proposed.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located West of The Interchange Retail Park and North of the A421 in Kempston, 2.1 miles southwest from the centre of Bedford. Access to the site is feasible from the southwest arm of the B530/Polo Field Way roundabout. The access to the site will happen mostly by car. Possible development of the site could cause moderate problems at the B530/Polo Field Way roundabout. There is public transport 500m from the site's access point. There are no provision of footways and cycle track in the vicinity of the site. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic in the B530/Polo Field Way roundabout and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Likely to require contaminated land assessment and remediation if required.

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is within the urban area and is suitable for allocation for industrial, warehousing and distribution uses. Potential flooding issues can be mitigated. Key principles include the need for site specific flood risk assessment. Transport Assessment to address traffic impact on nearby roads and junctions and the provision of pedestrian and cycle links. Early consultation with Anglian Water is required to ensure connection to water infrastructure network. Site is proposed for allocation EMP3 Land south of Interchange Retail Park and north of A421, Kempston.

Form ID: 525

Land owner

No answer given


Land North of Old Rectory, Bletsoe

Map 1233
Show full map


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

No answer given

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

The site is accessed from The Avenue through an existing access and has been assessed by Cotswold Transport Planning in conjunction with the Parish NDP awaiting referendum in May next year as suitable access. A copy of the assessment is attached.





5 Dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The houses will be carbon efficient with ground source heating/air source heat pumps and the latest generation of solar panels. All steps will be taken to ensure all houses built on the site respond to climate change.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy , Site already allocated in development plan

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk. , xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk. , xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located north of the village Bletsoe, on The Avenue approximately 8 miles north of Bedford town centre. The site is accessed from The Avenue through an existing access and has been assessed by Cotswold Transport Planning as suitable which we agree with based on our review. There is minimal traffic in the vicinity and the proposed development would likely not cause any issues on The Avenue. The closest bus stop is 220m north of the site on Coplowe Lane. There are no formal footways or cycleways serving the site, however cycling is possible by using the quiet roads in the vicinity. Pedestrian footway development along The Avenue in front of the site to connect to existing footways in Bletsoe. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes on The Avenue. Improved bus service with regular frequency and Real-Time information.

Nothing chosen

potentially commercial buildings nearby would need to be considered

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1. Part of the site is already allocated for residential development in the Bletsoe Neighbourhood Plan (Policy BNP3). The remainder of the site is not in a location that is in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 526

Land owner

No answer given


Crowhill Farm Ravensden Road Wilden Bedford MK44 2QS

Map 1233
Show full map

Residential, access to commercial offices and agricultural


Garden Land

Commercial Offices and residential

Garden land and agricultural



Nothing chosen


Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

20 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

There are two access points. One to existing dwellings within the site and the second the main access to Crowhill Farm and commercial units.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Year 2 - 2026

The proposed development would assist in response to climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed dwellings would be energy and water efficient and well insulated. They would have means of generating renewable energy and would be fitted with EV charging points. The site would have a SuDS and address climate change. The development would deliver net gains in biodiversity of at least 10% through additional landscaping. The development would assist in maintaining services and facilities within the village thereby contributing to the sustainability of the local community and provide opportunities for self-building and innovation.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access is suitable and there are two access points; one to existing dwellings within the site and the second the main access to Crowhill Farm and commercial units. On either side of the site there is moderate congestion in Wilden and Ravensden, respectively. There is a bus stop in Ravensden, roughly 800m to the West of the site (bus route 27, with <1 bus per hour). While there are no official cycle routes close to the site, there is an abundance of informal paths through the fields, which could potentially be formalised i.e route 14. Ravensden Road has no formal footway, but most stretches have strips of land running alongside the road that could provide a footway.

Nothing chosen

consider nearby commercial sources

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 527

Land owner

No answer given


Land to the West of Vicarage Lane, Podington

Map 1233
Show full map

Agricultural, including buildings

Garden Centre


Vicarage Lane

Playing field



Nothing chosen

TBC although it is anticipated it could accommodate between 26-43 dwellings if developed in its entirety

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Other

Affordable housing in accordance with policy.

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Access is currently via Vicarage Lane. If the Garden Centre should come forward for development, it is anticipated that it would be possible to access the site from this land.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the west side of Vicarage Lane in the village of Podington approximately 15 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. The access point of the site could be created on Vicarage Lane, which is an unclassified road of 30mph speed limit. There appears to be a lack of bus stops in the village, but the bus service is through High Street and would stop outside the church on High Street opposite Vicarage Lane. The approximate distance of the bus stop is 350m. There are no footways serving the site, nor cycle route. Cycling is possible on-road. The access point of the site should be specified in the frontage of the site. It is necessary a substantial scheme of highway improvements including provision of footways, widening of the carriageway, improved access to public transport and bus stop facilities and also pedestrian crossing points for the proposed development to be achievable.

Nothing chosen

noise from garden centre and school would need to be considered

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 528

Other (please specify)



Land off School Lane, Roxton

Map 1233
Show full map



Adopted Highway


Existing Residential Development including Allocated Housing Site



Nothing chosen

50/60 Dwellings

Family houses

No answer given

30 DPH at 60% gross to net ration to include enhanced area of open space

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access will be directly of the adopted highway. Sufficient width and visibility splays can be achieved. Please see site plan forwarded separately





50 to 60 Dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Suitable constructions techniques will be adopted and there is scope for an enhanced area of open space to create biodiversity net gain and carbon capture.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

++ The site is within a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the north side off School Lane in the village of Roxton in Bedfordshire approximately 10 miles east of Bedford town centre. The closest bus stop located in Bedford Road opposite the junction with Park Road approximately 500m west of the site. There is no presence of footways along the frontage of site on School Lane. There is no provision for cyclists. Although the speed limit on School Lane is 30mph, it is a classified road; therefore the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) will apply in respect of determining the visibility splays and the Stopping Sight Distance (SSD). A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic on the highway as well as mitigations measures. The carriageway will need to be to 5.5m with 2.0m footways either side of the carriageway where it is possible. For the development of this scale to consider a bus service route then the carriageway should be widened to 6m to accommodate manoeuvring for buses. The TA should identify a consideration for satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists, specially in School Lane.

Nothing chosen

generally no concerns but should consider school noise

Entire site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 529

Land owner

No answer given


Glebe Farm Solar Park, Podington

Map 1233
Show full map

Solar farm







Housing , Employment , Retail , Hotel

Up to 600 dwellings - not proposed to be fully developed - view in context of Sharnbrook Garden Village if this comes forward.

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given



No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

The site is accessed at present via the network of roads on The Estate. It is immediately north of Forty Foot Lane, which is included as a proposed access to the Garden Village. Therefore, development of the land, which is only submitted within the context of the adjacent proposals, could be served by any new and upgraded highways.

Don't know








Subject to wider Garden Village

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

x Serious capacity constraint

The land could accommodate up to 600 dwellings although it is not proposed that it should be fully developed and should be viewed in the context of the proposed Sharnbrook Garden Village if this comes forward. In isolation the site scores poorly on all fronts. The site is 1.8 miles from Podington, where there is the closest access to public transport (bus stop). The site is far from any infrastructure and the access roads are not fully paved.

Nothing chosen

rail noise and santa pod noise would affect

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 530

Other (please specify)



Land south of Parkside, Milton Ernest MK44 1RG

Map 1233
Show full map



River Ouse and a Care Home

Open space




Nothing chosen

Up to 80 dwellings

Family houses , Older people housing

No answer given

30 - 40 dph on the developable area

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Vehicular access is proposed from Parkside, a cul-de-sac to the north of the site with an appropriate carriageway width.





up to 80 dwellings

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposals will accord with Policy 51S. The proposals will provide a net increase in biodiversity, additional tree planting will be used where suitable. Dwellings will seek to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions, solar panels will be considered where viable as will the installation of the electric car charging points. The proposals will provide sustainable drainage solutions, and water efficiency will be factored into the proposals.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

Nothing chosen

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Access is proposed via Parkside. This should be suitable however it would be best to implement a priority junction for what would then be a spur of Parkside. No significant traffic congestion in the area, and this development is unlikely to have anymore than a moderate impact. There are bus stops approximatly 100m away where the number 50 bus provides a roughly hourly service between Bedford and Rushden. There is a pavement on Parkside which should be continued onto the site, however it currently lacks a dropped kerb at a crossing point. There is a shared cycle/pedestrian path alongside the A6 approx 100m away towards Clapham. Implement a priority junction on Parkside as existing to allow uninterrupted traffic flow between Radwell Road and the site. Continue the existing pavement into the site and include dropped kerbs.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 531

Land owner

No answer given


Odell Solar Park, Odell

Map 1233
Show full map

Solar farm

Santa Pod Raceway



Santa Pod Raceway



Housing , Employment , Retail , Hotel

Up to 700 dwellings - not proposed should be fully developed - should be viewed in context of Sharnbrook Garden Village if this comes forward.

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

No answer given

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

affordable in accordance with policy

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given



No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

The site is accessed at present via the existing airfield road/existing farm tracks. The road infrastructure proposed for the Sharnbrook Garden Village appears to include an upgraded access route which would connect directly with the site. Therefore, development of the land, which is only submitted within the context of the adjacent proposals, could be served by any new and upgraded highways.

Don't know








Subject to wider Garden Village

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

x Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers 25-50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

x Serious capacity constraint

The development is located on a current solar farm North of Odell, next to SantaPod Solar Farm and Raceway. Access is indicated to be provided onto a dirt track crossing the site. However, the developer indicates that the road infrastructure proposed for the Sharnbrook Garden Village appears to include an upgraded access route which would connect directly with their site. Therefore, development of the land, which is only submitted within the context of the adjacent proposals, would be served by any new and upgraded highways. There are no cycle paths or bus stops in the vicinity. A Transport Assessment should be developed to assess the impact of the development on the road network, including an assessment of the cumulative impact of this with the neighbouring Sharnbrook Garden Village. It should be ascertained that the upgraded access route would include appropriate pedestrian and cycle facilities. Bus connection should be provided to the site / vicinity. Site cannot be delivered in isolation without significant mitigations and access improvements.

Nothing chosen

adjacent to santa pod

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 532

Land owner

No answer given


Land to the north west of Forty Foot Lane, Podington

Map 1233
Show full map



Santa Pod Raceway/former airfield





Housing , Employment , Retail , Hotel

800 + dwellings - not proposed should be fully developed -should be viewed in context of Sharnbrook Garden Village if this comes forward

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing

Affordable housing in accordance with policy.

15-25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Other


No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given



No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

The site is accessed at present via Forty Foot Lane. The road infrastructure proposed for the Sharnbrook Garden Village appears to include an upgraded access route which would connect directly with the site. Therefore, development of the land, which is only submitted within the context of the adjacent proposals, could be served by any new and upgraded highways.









Subject to wider Garden Village

Any development proposals would be designed in accordance with best practice.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

x Serious capacity constraint

The site is located west of Airfield Road in the village of Sharnbrook approximately 9 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site at present is via Forty Foot Lane, however access to the proposed development would be achievable via neighbouring proposed Sharnbrook Garden Village (see site 1002). Detailed assessment would be required of the impact of this scale of development and Sharnbrook Garden Village on the neighbouring highway network. There are no bus stops within a radius of 1.2km from the site entrance. There are no footway or cycleways outside the site at present. The size of the proposed development needs careful examination and further investigation for future construction. In this context traffic, modelling will need to be undertaken as part of the required Transport Assessment which will identify the impact and it will include sustainable transport measures. Given the number of homes proposed, it is likely that more than one access point will be necessary.

Nothing chosen

santa pod and rail line noise sources

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 533

Land owner

No answer given


The Vicarage Thurleigh Road Milton Ernest MK44 1RF

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

17.2 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Via widened exsiting driveway access from Thurleigh Road






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site is well located to existing development placing less dependency on vehicle movements and greater opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport. Development will take account of landform, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping to minimise energy consumption, including maximising cooling and avoiding solar gain in the summer. Overall, it will be planned so as to minimise carbon dioxide emissions through giving careful consideration to how all aspects support opportunities for renewable or low-carbon energy supply. Development will give priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems, paying attention to the potential contribution to be gained to water harvesting from impermeable surfaces and accommodating waste water recycling. Development will adhere to Building Control and other regulatory regimes. Environmental performance will be designed into the proposed development. A future Design and Access Statement will demonstrate how the proposed development will contribute to and comply with the key planning objectives

No uploaded files for public display


Below - exclude at stage 1

Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Access as existing onto Thurleigh Rd, but widened. Some moderate traffic nearby but the scale of proposed development is unlikely to cause a problem. There is an hourly bus service to/from Bedford 330m from the site. There is a pavement directly outside the site linking to the village centre and bus stops, but is narrow at approximately 1m wide. Twinwood Rd nearby provides a quiet cycle route to Clapham which is the nearest place with facilities such as food shops. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements

Nothing chosen

twinwoods business park may be a source of noise

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 534

Land owner

No answer given


The Vicarage Church End Kempston MK43 8RH

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

12 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Existing access from Church End






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site is well located to existing development placing less dependency on vehicle movements and greater opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport. Development will take account of landform, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping to minimise energy consumption, including maximising cooling and avoiding solar gain in the summer. Overall, it will be planned so as to minimise carbon dioxide emissions through giving careful consideration to how all aspects support opportunities for renewable or low-carbon energy supply. Development will give priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems, paying attention to the potential contribution to be gained to water harvesting from impermeable surfaces and accommodating waste water recycling. Development will adhere to Building Control and other regulatory regimes. Environmental performance will be designed into the proposed development. A future Design and Access Statement will demonstrate how the proposed development will contribute to and comply with the key planning objectives

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

+ All or a majority of the site is previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

S boundary Church End. 1 bus per hour approx 650m to the south east. Shared cycle / footways on Cemetery Rd towards Kempston to the east of the A6 roundabout. Improvements to footways on Church End could be investigated but proposed development unlikely warrants extensive improvements.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Entire site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 535

Land owner

No answer given


The Vicarage 15 Vicarage Lane Wilstead MK45 3EU

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

13.2 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Via existing access off Vicarage Lane






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site is well located to existing development placing less dependency on vehicle movements and greater opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport. Development will take account of landform, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping to minimise energy consumption, including maximising cooling and avoiding solar gain in the summer. Overall, it will be planned so as to minimise carbon dioxide emissions through giving careful consideration to how all aspects support opportunities for renewable or low-carbon energy supply. Development will give priority to the use of sustainable drainage systems, paying attention to the potential contribution to be gained to water harvesting from impermeable surfaces and accommodating waste water recycling. Development will adhere to Building Control and other regulatory regimes. Environmental performance will be designed into the proposed development. A future Design and Access Statement will demonstrate how the proposed development will contribute to and comply with the key planning objectives

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

x Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers 25-50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

+ All or a majority of the site is previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Pedestrian access already in place at the end of Vicarage Lane. Moderate congestion peaks in nearby Luton Road and A6. The closest bus stop is located 230m from the site, on Luton Road, with route 44 and 81 providing 2 buses per hour overall. Vicarage Lane has a footpath on only one side of the street, which is roughly 1m width. Once on Luton Road, the footpath gets slightly wider, but there is room for a potential expansion providing pedestrian and/or cycle path.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 536

Other (please specify)

Land Promoter


Land And Buildings On The North East Side Of The Lane, Wyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AP

Map 1233
Show full map

Lorry Transportation Depot/ Brownfield

grazing/ agriculture

Road/pedestrian access and dwellings (gardens)

agriculture/ wooded area/ dwellings (garden)

dwelling/ garden




Up to 56 homes.

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

We would be open to providing a mix of housing types.


Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

We consider the site predominately suitable for housing and recreation space for the benefit of the existing community and new residents.

housing and recreation space

Suitable access is achievable

There is an existing site access from the south of the site on The Lane with a direct link to the footpath and clear viewing lines for vehicle access (existing access is for articulates lorries and therefore adequate for all vehicle types).





All the dwellings on the site could be delivered in this period.

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2024 or a year after adoption in case of planning delays

We expect the dwellings to be constructed with energy standards that respect carbon emissions. We would design a scheme with climate change at the forefront of our thinking. Currently the site has limited green space due to the nature of the business. Gardens would promote increase biodiversity.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

+ All or a majority of the site is previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located at the rear of 68 The Lane in the village of Wyboston approximately 10 miles north-east of Bedford town centre. The carriageway width of The Lane at this section is approximately 5.4m and there is footway present on the north side of The Lane albeit less than the standard minimum of 2m in width. The width of footway to the west of the access is 1.7m whilst to the east of the access is 1.1m in width. There is designated cycle path in the vicinity and the closest bus stop is 400m from the site with 112 Ivel Sprinter stopping twice a day heading to St Neots / Biggleswade while the second closest 550m away serves the 905 connecting Bedford and Cambridge approximately twice per hour. A Transport Assessment would be needed to assess the impact of the development on the local highway network. Improvement of pedestrian and cycle access would be needed - widening of a footpath and provision of designated cycle path.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 537

Land owner

No answer given


31 Hall End Road Wootton MK43 9HJ

Map 1233
Show full map

Land adjacent to 31 Hall End Road

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given



Employment , Retail , All other types


Family houses , Older people housing

The site can be used for family houses or Care home for elderly and/or people with special needs.

15 dwellings or a block of 60 care home units/rooms with associated services.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Employment for staff working in care home and related services.

15000 sq ft

Grocery store


15000 square feet.

No answer given

The site can accommodate 3 commercial units i.e. a grocery store, a restaurant (or a fast food store), and a gym or sports facility for local residents.

The site can accommodate 3 commercial units i.e. a grocery store, a restaurant (or a fast food store), and a gym or sports facility for local residents. We have road frontage of about 200 feet and access can be provided from anywhere suitable.

Suitable access is achievable

We have road frontage of about 200 feet. Access can be provided from anywhere suitable.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2021 or as soon as possible. We already have consulted a couple of good architects in the area and are ready to commence the building work as soon as the planning permission is granted.

We will make sure that there is minimal impact on the climate by allowing sufficient green area in or around the proposed dwellings. We will install clean energy (solar panels) units on the houses in order to minimise the climate impact. Furthermore we are open to suggestions from Bedford Borough Council which will help to keep the site green.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

On the same site as 414, covering most of the site. The site is located in the outskirts of Wootton. Access is only feasible from Hall End Road, for all users. Hall End Road at this point is very narrow (~6m wide) which might cause some vehicle access issues. At the site, the developer adopted highway frontage of about 50m to mitigate this. There is no footpath in the vicinity, not much open space on the side of the road next to the development. Hall End Road is a quiet, bicycle-friendly road. There are no designated cycle routes in the vicinity. The closest bus stop is 200m away, used by bus 68 to Bedford twice per day and a bus 53 bus stop to Bedford, 1.1km away and travelling approximately 3 times per hour. On-road cycle route could be signed although the route might be too narrow. There is space on the opposite side of the road where potentially a cycle route or a footpath could be constructed linking to footpaths to the north and south on Hall End Road. The cost of this might be prohibitive.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 566

Other (please specify)



Land off Bedford Road, Willington.

Map 1233
Show full map


No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given



Nothing chosen

Up to 46 dwellings

Family houses , Other

+ Affordable Housing


Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Priority vehicular access point from Balls Lane + pedestrian access from Bedford Road






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


All aspects of the proposal's design have taken climate change into account. There will be a significant amount of additional planting on the site, resulting in a net gain in biodiversity. Flood risk mitigation has been designed to take into account a future climate change allowance. It is considered that a range of detailed sustainability measures could be secured by planning condition to be delivered at the Reserved Matters stage.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located between on the north side of Bedford Road and at the north-east junction with Balls Lane in the village of Willington approximately 4.5 miles east of Bedford town centre. The existing point of access is along Balls Lane. There is limited traffic congestion recorded in the vicinity and the proposal will likely have a limited impact on the highway network in comparison with the traffic flow along Bedford Road. The nearest bus stops are located outside the site on Bedford Road. Footways on both sides are also present albeit that are less than the standard of 2.0m in width. Barford Road from the west of the junction with Wood Lane is part of the Thatcher’s Way cycle route. Footways along Bedford Road should be widened and on street cycle connectivity could be marked along Bedford Road to connect to the Thatcher's Way cycle route.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Entire site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 578

Land owner

No answer given


Land east Of Vicars Close, Biddenham

Map 1233
Show full map




Field with residential beyond




Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

25 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

The site will be accessed of Vicars Close as indicated on the Site Location Plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposed scheme will address climate change through appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in the design. Where possible the dwellings will utilise low carbon building materials. The dwellings will be energy efficient and will be designed for comfort by balancing passive cooling design strategies which maximise comfort and minimise energy use during the warmer summers, with adequate levels of insulation for the warmer winters. The dwellings will be constructed so they are weather tight, robust enough to withstand extreme weather, and with foundations which are appropriate for their lifetime. The design will also include measures for water efficiency and effective drainage.

No uploaded files for public display




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available

Include in next stage of assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

++ The site is within a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access will be onto Vicars Close, a single track road. There is often moderate traffic on Main Road (which Vicars Close joins), however the size of this development is unlikely to make either of these problems worse. There are bus stops within 400m where the 41 bus provides an hourly service between Northampton and Bedford. Vicars Close is a single track road with no pavement, however the road itself is signposted as a public footpath due to low traffic levels. There is an off-road cycle path approx 750m from the site. Pedestrian access should be provided along Vicars Close, where there is adequate space for a suitable footway.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is within the urban area in a location on the edge of Biddenham where, given the character and density of surrounding development, it is unlikely that twelve dwellings could be satisfactorily accommodated. An alternative way forward would be for this site to be progressed through the pre-app / planning application process. The site is not proposed for allocation.