Call for Sites Form

Showing forms 271 to 300 of 461
Form ID: 874

Land owner

No answer given


Land south west of Williamson Road and East of Hill Rise, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7EB

Map 1233
Show full map

playing fields/sports pitches


Kempston Day Centre


Kempston Challenger Academy



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Flats

No answer given

40 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access can be achieved from Williamson Road by way of a joint proposal with the land to the east, adjoining Williamson Road. We are in active discussions with Wells & Co with respect to bringing both parcels forward as one site. Any proposal which may come forward would be comprehensive and would be based on a proactive approach.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The development of the site will be able to incorporate the necessary climate change / net zero carbon energy requirements as stipulated by the relevant policy at the time an application comes forward.




Include in next stage of assessment

Nothing chosen

Exclude from further assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

N/A in UAB

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

E boundary, Williamson Road. High frequency bus (1) stopping next to site. Segregated cycle trail next to site. Access by way of joint proposal with land to the east adjoining Williamson Rd. Access for pedestrians could be improved by widening the footway adjacent to Williamson Road.

Nothing chosen

noise levels from the school nearby should be considered

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is excluded at Stage 2 because it is not available. It is understood that it will now be required in the longer term by the school.

Form ID: 875

Other (please specify)



Land at Teazels, Green Lane, Renhold. (Option 1 of 2: for 8 dwellings)

Map 1233
Show full map

Grass/grazing land







Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

16 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

The site would be accessed from Green Lane via Brook Lane as shown on the accompanying indicative plan






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Please see accompanying statement

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

The proposed access includes an existing gate and fence line providing access to the field, from Green Lane via Brook Lane. Traffic generation from this development would have little impact on the local network. Could provide footway connection to existing footway on Ravensden Road, however this also needs improvement. No dedicated cycleways in the vicinity, however north section of Ravensden Road is considered a quiet road and the area is lightly trafficked which makes it conducive for cyclists. The nearest bus stop is within a 100m walk from the proposed access and serves the number 27 bus which operates <1 bus per hour. Provide connectivity to footway on Ravenden Road. The 27 bus service in the area would benefit from increased frequency.

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 877

Other (please specify)

Please contact the Agent: Shannon Hubbard


Land to the South of No. 33 Ivy Lane (West of Ivy Lane), Wilstead 0.1 ha

Map 1233
Show full map


Residential Dwellings (No. 33 Ivy Lane)

Residential Dwellings (No. 30 Ivy Lane) and Business

Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

The density assumed is based on 10 dwellings per hectare

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Direct access onto the site can be achieved from Ivy Lane to the east as shown on the accompanying plan reference 48130-2. There is an existing access serving the site from the corner adjacent to No. 33 to the south.





No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

It is anticipated that this site could come forward for development of the proposed dwelling in 2034.

Any scheme at the site will seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display


Below - exclude at stage 1

Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

There is an existing access serving the site from the corner adjacent to Ivy Lane No. 33 to the South, though vehicle access would require work. The area and Cotton End Road have low/moderate traffic peak conditions, but no significant impact expected from one additional dwelling. The bus stop is 230m from the site, at the corner of Ivy Lane and Cotton End Road, with service of 1 bus per hour - route 9. Ivy Lane has no footway and it is not wide enough to introduce a footway. The location and cul de sac nature of the road would allow for pedestrian trips to the bus stops on Cotton End Rd. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 878

Other (please specify)

Countryside Properties have land under option and are promoting additional land with the agreement of landowners.


Land west of the village of Great Barford south of the A421.

Map 1233
Show full map

Agricultural land


Bedford Rd

Great Barford village

No answer given



Housing , Employment , Retail


Family houses

No answer given

35 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

B1/B2/B8 uses including flexible workspace and incubator spaces.

10 ha

Small convenience retail to serve the new development



No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access provided from the Bedford Road and St Neots Road.










Development would address climate change through the masterplan process, making efficient use of land and address climate change through the principle of landscape led design, and exploring opportunities to utilise renewable energy, as well as address the required technical standards in place at the time of adoption and submission of an application.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy , Site already allocated in development plan

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement. , x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

xx The proposal has the potential to cause very high harm (which may reach the level of substantial harm) to a heritage asset. Development with this level of impact will be removed from further consideration unless it can be demonstrated that the harm can be avoided, mitigated or outweighed by substantial public benefits.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Two access points are proposed onto Bedford Road and St Neots Road. Both are in suitable locations, however due to the size of the development and to help traffic flow, it is likely that eithier a roundabout or a signalised junction would be required for each access point. Due to the size of the development, the developer should show how they will encourage traffic to use the A421 dual carriageway, rather than cutting through Great Barford which would create severe congestion. A Transport Assessment will be needed to fully understand the potential transport impacts of this scale of development. The main village bus stops of Great Barford are approx. 650m away where the 905 bus provides a half-hourly service between Bedford and Cambridge. There is a pavement on Green End Road on the north boundary of the site which could be connected to. There is also space to construct a footpath alongside Bedford Road between the site and Great Barford, as well as another pavement that can be connected to on St Neots Road, providing a route to Bedford. There is no specific cycle connectivity however the national cycle network runs through the village of Great Barford providing off-road or quietroad connections to Bedford and St Neots. The pavement on St Neots Road could also be upgraded to a shared path to provide a more direct cycle connection into Bedford. A roundabout or signalised junction is likely to be necessary at both access points to improve access and better manage traffic flow. A Transport Assessment will be needed to fully understand the potential transport impacts of this scale of development. Due to the development being so large, it would be beneficial for the 905 bus which already passes through Great Barford to be rerouted to go directly through the development. There are several options for pedestrian connectivity and they should all be used, particularly into Great Barford via Green End Road and towards Bedford via St Neots Road. It would be beneficial to upgrade the pavement on St Neots Road to a shared cycle/pedestrian path to provide a direct cycle route into Bedford.

Nothing chosen

main concerns is proximity to bypass

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy. Part of the site is allocated for residential development in the Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan Policy H1. This is not a preferred location for an employment site as it does not relate well to existing settlements and it would be intrusive.

Form ID: 879

Other (please specify)

Please contact Agent: Shannon Hubbard, Robinson & Hall LLP


Land to the South of 30 Ivy Lane (West of Ivy Lane), Wilstead. 0.2 ha.

Map 1233
Show full map

The site currently comprises grassland/scrubland and is bounded by a tree/hedgerow.

Residential Dwellings (No. 30 immediately adjacent) and Business

Residential Dwelling (No. 26 Ivy Lane)

Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

The density assumed is based on 10 dwellings per hectare and considers the surrounding character area of Ivy Lane and the village. It is considered that any more than 2 dwellings at this site would be disproportionate.

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

irect access onto the site can be achieved from Ivy Lane to the east as shown on the accompanying plan reference 48130-1. An access currently exists to the south adjacent to 26 Ivy Lane. The site would contribute to the delivery of much-needed local housing within Wilstead and will form infill development along the existing built form of Ivy Lane. The proposed dwellings shall be position in a way to ensure residential amenity and present a sustainable development of 2 dwellings.





1 - 2

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

It is anticipated that this site could come forward within 2 years of the plan being adopted subject to a planning application being submitted to the site, development could start in mid-late 2024 with anticipated completion by early 2026.

Any scheme at the site will seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display


Below - exclude at stage 1

Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

See Site 877, located in close proximity. There is an existing access serving the site from the corner adjacent to Ivy Lane No. 33 to the South, though vehicle access would require work. The area and Cotton End Road have low/moderate traffic peak conditions, but no significant impact expected from one additional dwelling. The bus stop is 230m from the site, at the corner of Ivy Lane and Cotton End Road, with service of 1 bus per hour - route 9. Ivy Lane has no footway and it is not wide enough to introduce a footway. The location and cul de sac nature of the road would allow for pedestrian trips to the bus stops on Cotton End Rd. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 880

Land owner



Land to the South of 33 Ivy Lane (West of Ivy Lane), Wilstead

Map 1233
Show full map

Grassland /scrubland

Residential dwellings

Residential dwellings

Agricultural land

Agricultural land



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

The density assumed is based on 10 dwellings per hectare and considers the surrounding character area of Ivy Lane and the village. The site is a suitable size to accommodate a single dwelling that will present infill development to the existing built up linear development forming Ivy Lane.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Direct access onto the site can be achieved from Ivy Lane to the east as shown on the accompanying plan reference 48130-2. There is an existing access serving the site from the corner adjacent to No. 33 to the south.





No answer given

No answer given


No answer given

It is anticipated that this site could come forward for development of the proposed dwelling in 2034.

Any scheme at the site will seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display


Below - exclude at stage 1

Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Duplicate of site ID 877 - see comments for site 877

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 881

Land owner



Land to the South of 30 Ivy Lane (West of Ivy Lane), Wilstead

Map 1233
Show full map

The site currently comprises grassland/scrubland and is bounded by a tree/hedgerow.

Residential dwellings and business

Residential dwellings

Agricultural land

Agricultural land



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

The density assumed is based on 10 dwellings per hectare and considers the surrounding character area of Ivy Lane and the village. It is considered that any more than 2 dwellings at this site would be disproportionate.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Direct access onto the site can be achieved from Ivy Lane to the east as shown on the accompanying plan reference 48130-1. An access currently exists to the south adjacent to 26 Ivy Lane. The site would contribute to the delivery of much-needed local housing within Wilstead and will form infill development along the existing built form of Ivy Lane. The proposed dwellings shall be position in a way to ensure residential amenity and present a sustainable development of 2 dwellings.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

It is anticipated that this site could come forward within 2 years of the plan being adopted subject to a planning application being submitted to the site, development could start in mid-late 2024 with anticipated completion by early 2026.

Any scheme at the site will seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout both the construction and operational phases of development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the detailed design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display


Below - exclude at stage 1

Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Duplicate of site ID 879 - see comments for ID 879

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 883

Land owner

No answer given


Land at TwinWoods

Map 1233
Show full map

Business Park / Secure Residential Institution / Vacant / Agriculture







Employment , Retail , Hotel , All other types


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

No answer given

30-50dph net

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership , Other

Social rent

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Mixed of E-Class Uses, comprising business park, light industrial, and commercial activities associated with town centres

14-20 ha

Local retail facilities and a district centre

Covered under mix of E-Class Uses above, 14-20ha

Covered under mix of E-Class Uses above, 14-20ha


Largely covered under mix of E-Class Uses above, 14-20ha

A site of this scale can deliver a range of leisure, recreational and community uses. Whilst the specifics would be agreed through consultation, we propose the land area will form part of the 14-20ha for E-Class Uses referenced above.

Suitable access is achievable

Off the A6 and other local roads










We envisage TwinWoods having a full range of facilities and infrastructure to support what will be a significant community in its own right. Our proposals place sustainability and climate change at the forefront of our approach and the development will embrace the different routes to achieving a net zero carbon development. The design and construction of buildings will embed high energy-efficiency and low utilities demand. A potential new railway station at the heart of the community gives opportunities for sustainable travel and relieves pressure on Bedford itself. There is a strong opportunity to bake-in sustainability at the outset, not just with walking and cycling routes and provision of high-quality bus routes, but also the co-location of key activities across the new community. This includes the provision of a range of local jobs on the site within easy commuting distance of homes, so not all residents out-commute each day, as well as strong cultural, recreational and shopping facilities, schools, health and leisure facilities and generous open space in walkable, vibrant, sociable neighbourhoods.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1. A very small section of the site is allocated for residential development in the Milton Ernest Neighbourhood Plan - Policy ME H1. The majority of the site is not in a location that is in accordance with the development strategy. The site has been separately assessed - see New Settlement Site Assessments supporting document.

Form ID: 884

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Gareth Wilson, Barton Willmore.


Land north of Cemetery Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 8RA 5.49 ha

Map 1233
Show full map

No answer given

Public footpath (Church Walk) and river floodplain

Old Cemetery Road/ Residential

Sports & Recreation

The Branston Way (A428)


All other types

Housing , All other types


Family houses , Flats

No answer given


Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2000-3000m2 of Sui Generis . Potential for business space/shared offices

Community Centre with space for auditorium, community meeting rooms, café, business start-up/shared workspace and education. Outdoor recreation/amenity space also to be provided

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

See attached Site Location Plan showing two existing access points with potential for a new access point to the east of Walnut Tree Cottage, along Cemetery Road






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Generation of much needed community space in this location will enable the local population to access community facilities within easy reach and via non-car modes, thereby assisting in the reduction of carbon emissions. The site is situated in close proximity to bus stops and is within 15-20 minutes cycle distance of Bedford Town Centre and Bedford Station. The site has potential to produce a highly sustainable community centre, incorporating sustainable materials and a fabric first approach to reduce its carbon footprint and energy demands. The building would be of sufficient size to accommodate PV panels and renewable energy. The site’s existing grassed area presents good opportunity for ecological enhancement and the creation of biodiversity net gain. There is also scope to incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) such as ponds, swales and detention basins, which provide attenuation as well as water quality treatment and amenity benefits. Homes within the development will achieve at least a 19% reduction in carbon emissions below the Building Regulation requirement and incorporate renewable energy sources. All new residential development will achieve the higher water efficiency standard in the Building Regulations, subject to viability.




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available , Site is likely to be achievable

Include in next stage of assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area. , x The site is adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

N/A in UAB

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

x The majority of the site is within flood zone 2.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

+ The proposal is for or includes a community use or is likely to promote community collaboration and social interaction eg cultural, social, leisure and sporting uses.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The two access points of the site is via Cemetery Road before and after the Cemetery Road/Martell Drive roundabout. There is a bus stop south of the site in the Cemetery Road. The footway in Cemetery Road is around 1.5m and there is not cycle track. Potential signalisation of the Cemetery Road/Martell Drive roundabout would solve any traffic problems that could arise from the development. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Widening of the footway would be necessary.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is designated as urban open space and development of it would compromise the reason for designation which is Criterion 9 -the site acts as a visual break and allows for views across to the open space to the north of the site. It is adjacent to the river within the Upper Great Ouse River Valley Green Infrastructure Opportunity Zone (ADLP Policy 24) and part of the site lies within land liable to flood. The land is surrounded by planned new development west of Bedford and is within the Land West of Kempston development area (Local Plan 2002 Policy H7) where it was intended to be kept free of development. The site is not proposed for allocation.

Form ID: 886

Land owner

No answer given


Land at Top End, High Street, Riseley, MK44 1DU

Map 1233
Show full map

Unused rough grassland




No answer given



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

approx 30 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Existing access from High Street with excellent visibility splays, not reliant on third party.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Within 12 months of adoption.

The site will be developed taking on board all green infrastructure matters, all eco/environmental requirements including SuDS/FRA, together with all current planning policies and building regulations. The compliance with policies will be determined at the application stage between the LPA and developer.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located on the west side of High Street in the village of Riseley approximately 9.5 miles north of Bedford town centre. Existing access from High Street, which is a 30mph speed limit road, with visibility splays not reliant on third party land. The High Street does not experience significant traffic congestion in the area. There is a 1.8m footway serving the site. Cycling is feasible on-road. The proposal will require a road to adopted standards in terms of width of carriageway/footways as well as the required radius kerbs of the junction. Given the width of the existing footway on the High St there is potential to widen including up to the bus stops on High Street just south of the junction with Lowsdon Lane to improve pedestrian access. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 887

Land owner

No answer given


Land west of Clapham Road, Bedford

Map 1233
Show full map


Playing field

A6 road




All other types

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2 drive thru units

Drive thru facility

Suitable access is achievable

See attached plan





No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Energy efficient building

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

N/A in UAB

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

x The site is located within a source protection zone and the proposed use could harm water supplies eg because it is an industrial use

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

0 Residential development not proposed.

0 Residential development not proposed.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

+ The proposal is for or includes a community use or is likely to promote community collaboration and social interaction eg cultural, social, leisure and sporting uses.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access will be onto Clapham Road where the current access to the cricket club is. This would need to be improved as it currently crosses a shared cycle/pedestrian path which would be unsafe for a larger amount of traffic. There is only some moderate traffic in the area, however this is commonly directly outside the site. Given the size of the site and the unknown scale of the development proposed, further assessment should be undertaken. There are a pair of bus stops within 200m where the number 50 and 51 buses combined provide 4 services per hour to central Bedford. There is a wide and well-surfaced shared cycle/pedestrian path directly outside the site. Given the uncertainty over the scale of the proposed development, a Transport Assessment will likely be required to assess the impacts on surrounding networks. Improve the vehicular access to the site so that it no longer goes over the shared path. Creating a proper junction with a crossing point for the shared path will make it far safer.

Nothing chosen

potential noise from bypass for housing potential impact on anglers rest if a noise source

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because the allocation of such uses is not in accordance with the development strategy. Proposals will be considered against criteria based policies.

Form ID: 889

Other (please specify)



Land on the Baulk Clapham

Map 1233
Show full map


Riding School/Residential






Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

20 dph

Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

As existing



Don't know



No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposal has the opportunity to provide for energy efficiency features in design and to give consideration to renewables.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

+ All or a majority of the site is previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

+ No capacity issues

Access as existing onto The Baulk. The Baulk is a narrow, poorly maintained tarmac public PRoW. There is however very little traffic in the area. Nearest public transport is within 800m but is only 1 or 2 services per day. Although a PRoW, The Baulk clearly is used by cars but does not have any pavement or safe spaces for pedestrians. As The Baulk is a PRoW it provides good cycle connectivity, connecting with many other paved PRoWs and quiet lanes in the area. The Baulk would need to become an adopted highway - including widening, repaving, and installation of a pavement. Due to the small size of the site this is likely not feasible.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 890

Other (please specify)



Land on the Baulk Clapham

Map 1233
Show full map






Don't know


Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

20 dph

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Central on the site






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposal has the opportunity to provide for energy efficiency features in design and to give consideration to renewables.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

+ No capacity issues

Access as existing onto The Baulk. The Baulk is a narrow, poorly maintained tarmac public PRoW. There is however very little traffic in the area. Nearest public transport is within 800m but is only 1 or 2 services per day. Although a PRoW, The Baulk clearly is used by cars but does not have any pavement or safe spaces for pedestrians. As The Baulk is a PRoW it provides good cycle connectivity, connecting with many other paved PRoWs and quiet lanes in the area. The Baulk would need to become an adopted highway - including widening, repaving, and installation of a pavement. Due to the small size of the site this is likely not feasible.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 891

Other (please specify)



Green Lane Clapham

Map 1233
Show full map








Nothing chosen


Self-build/Custom build homes

15 dph

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

As existing (central to the site).






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The proposal has the opportunity to provide for energy efficiency features in design and to give consideration to renewables.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Access onto Green Lane which is narrow and would require widening work at the new junction to make it feasible. Although narrow, the small number of houses is unlikely to cause traffic on Green Lane and there is little other traffic in the area. 2 bus services per hour approx 750m from the site. There is no pedestrian access and the narrowness of Green Lane prevents one being built there, it may be possible however to have a pedestrian and cycle link going through what looks like a village hall car park on the west border of the site and connecting to the pavement on The Baulk. There are several paved PRoWs in the area which would be suitable for cycles. Widening of road at point of access on Green Lane. Installation of a pedestrian/cycle link through car park to The Baulk (subject to ownership/access rights).

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 892

Other (please specify)



Land east and west of Barford Road, Little Barford St Neots

Map 1233
Show full map

Manor house and associated buildings and grounds, farm buildings and agricultural land

RWE power station and Alington Road Industrial Estate



River Great Ouse



Employment , All other types

1,115-1305 subject to proportion of mixed-used area and setting of listed buildings

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

No answer given

30-35 dph away from listed buildings

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

B1, B2 and B8

B1: 9,616-20,244m2 or B2: 7,191-15,176m2 or B8: 6,568-13,861m2 or a mix of these uses (mix subject to employment evidence)

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Refer to AL2 representation additional information sheets

It is anticipated that a development of this scale would be supported by D1 uses. The exact nature and scale of these uses will evolve in parallel with Bedford Borough Council’s evidence base.

Suitable access is achievable

Refer to drawing 60830-PP-005







No answer given

No answer given


The site promotes sustainable transport methods and will deliver an appropriate layout, design and landscaping to encourage walkable neighbourhoods, promote the use of renewable energy and/or energy efficiencies in the fabric of the buildings.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

xx The proposal has the potential to cause very high harm (which may reach the level of substantial harm) to a heritage asset. Development with this level of impact will be removed from further consideration unless it can be demonstrated that the harm can be avoided, mitigated or outweighed by substantial public benefits.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

xx Development would be in flood zones 3a or 3b.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access via several points along Barford Road. Widening of Barford Rd and new junctions would be required for access, and these would need to cater for far more vehicles than the above proposal for this site due to the drastically higher number of homes (compared to sites with IDs 872 & 873). Some light traffic can be seen in the area which could worsen with 1000+ houses. Situation re PT, pedestrians and cycles is the same as for the other proposal for this site (site ID: 872 & 873). Widening and new junctions for access on Barford Road. For improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity it would be necessary to connect to the existing footway (approx 250m away). Widening of the existing footway and conversion to cycle/pedestrian route up to the A428 roundabout would be suggested. This would allow cycle/pedestrian access to the supermarket, bus services and further into the town.

Nothing chosen

close proximity to little barford power station and rail line

Part of the site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The proposal of the scale proposed does not fit with the development strategy however the site falls within a larger site (Site 907) proposed for allocation HOU19 Little Barford new settlement.

Form ID: 893

Land owner

No answer given


Land north of Cemetery Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 8RA

Map 1233
Show full map

Nil use

Public footpath (Church Walk) and river floodplain

Old Cemetery Road/ Residential

Sports & Recreation

The Branston Way (A428)


All other types

Housing , All other types


Family houses , Flats

No answer given

37 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

2000-3000m2 of Sui Generis

Community Centre with space for auditorium, community meeting rooms, café, business start-up/shared workspace and education. Outdoor recreation/amenity space also to be provided

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

See attached Site Location Plan showing two existing access points with potential for a new access point to the east of Walnut Tree Cottage, along Cemetery Road






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Generation of much needed community space in this location will enable the local population to access community facilities within easy reach and via non-car modes, thereby assisting in the reduction of carbon emissions. The site is situated in close proximity to bus stops and is within 15-20 minutes cycle distance of Bedford Town Centre and Bedford Station. The site has potential to produce a highly sustainable community centre, incorporating sustainable materials and a fabric first approach to reduce its carbon footprint and energy demands. The building would be of sufficient size to accommodate PV panels and renewable energy. The site’s existing grassed area presents good opportunity for ecological enhancement and the creation of biodiversity net gain. There is also scope to incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) such as ponds, swales and detention basins, which provide attenuation as well as water quality treatment and amenity benefits. Homes within the development will achieve at least a 19% reduction in carbon emissions below the Building Regulation requirement and incorporate renewable energy sources. All new residential development will achieve the higher water efficiency standard in the Building Regulations, subject to viability




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available , Site is likely to be achievable

Include in next stage of assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

x The proposal is likely to have a negative effect on the landscape.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

x The majority of the site is within flood zone 2.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

+ The proposal is for or includes a community use or is likely to promote community collaboration and social interaction eg cultural, social, leisure and sporting uses.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Same site Bedford Borough Council Site ID: 884. The two access points of the site is via Cemetery Road before and after the Cemetery Road/Martell Drive roundabout. There is a bus stop south of the site in the Cemetery Road. The footway in Cemetery Road is around 1.5m and there is not cycle track. Potential signalisation of the Cemetery Road/Martell Drive roundabout would solve any traffic problems that could arise from the development. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Widening of the footway would be necessary.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is designated as urban open space and development of it would compromise the reason for designation which is Criterion 9 -the site acts as a visual break and allows for views across to the open space to the north of the site. It is adjacent to the river within the Upper Great Ouse River Valley Green Infrastructure Opportunity Zone (ADLP Policy 24) and part of the site lies within land liable to flood. The land is surrounded by planned new development west of Bedford and is within the Land West of Kempston development area (Local Plan 2002 Policy H7) where it was intended to be kept free of development. The site is not proposed for allocation.

Form ID: 894

Land owner

No answer given


Pavenham Golf Course, club house, Pavenham

Map 1233
Show full map

Woodland and disused squash court and hard tennis court

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given



All other types

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Up to 3 hectares with car parking

Gym facilities, Leisure centre

Suitable access is achievable

No answer given






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

1-5 years

We would look to meet or exceed the energy standards set out on the building regulations as expressed in section 51s in the local plan. We would achieve this by utilising renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, as well as installing ground source heat pumps and additional water saving measures. In Addition to these measures ensuring that the buildings are very well insulated throughout will further reduce the carbon footprint.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

x The site is located within a source protection zone and the proposed use could harm water supplies eg because it is an industrial use

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

0 Residential development not proposed.

0 Residential development not proposed.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

+ The proposal is for or includes a community use or is likely to promote community collaboration and social interaction eg cultural, social, leisure and sporting uses.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the north side of Pavenham Road in the village of Pavenham approximately 5 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Pavenham Road, which is a 40mph road with no significant traffic congestion. The nearest bus stop is located 500m from the site access point. There is a footway of 1.8m serving the access point on Pavenham Road. The access point of the site would need widening. Speed restrictions either side of the access could be investigated. Improved bus transport service for visitors/staff.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns for hotel development

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because the allocation of such uses is not in accordance with the development strategy. Proposals will be considered against criteria based policies.

Form ID: 895

Other (please specify)

No answer given


Land at Templars Way, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, MK44 1PU 2.5 ha

Map 1233
Show full map


Agricultural Land & Residential Development

Templars Way & Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land & Residential Development

East Midlands Mainline Railway & Pastureland



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Older people housing , Flats , Other

Residential Care Home (C2)

High Density The accompanying masterplans show how the site could be laid out, with a residential care home fronting Templars Way and Terraced/Semi Detached dwellings forming the rest of the site.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

The site benefits from two existing access points as shown on the accompanying location plan. The site benefits from access into Sharnbrook from the A6 to the north, this will mean that traffic accessing the site shall not have to do so through Sharnbrook High Street which is considered a constricted route through the centre of the village.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Late 2024 – Mid 2025. It is expected that a development of this scale could be built out in a single phase within the first 5 years of the plan period. The site will contribute significantly to the need for older person’s housing in the area and contribute to the local housing need for Sharnbrook.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the design process of the proposed dwellings and care home.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

The site is located on the northwest side of Templars Way, in the village of Sharnbrook approximately 8.2 miles north of Bedford town centre. There is no significant traffic congestion in the area. The nearest bus stop facilities are located on Station Road towards the village of Sharnbrook, approximately 510m away. The site lies in a rural setting with two vehicular access points off Templars Way, which is a 30mph speed limit road. The footway outside the site is of a limited width (of approximately 1m) up to the railway bridge. There are no specific provisions made for cyclists although they can use the carriageway. An optimum position of access needs to be chosen so that the visibility splays can be achieved on both sides. It is recommended that an extension to the bus service is sought to improve accessibility for pedestrians. Highway improvements are required for pedestrians, cyclist and also for public transport. A Transport Assessment is needed to identify the impact of the development on the highway.

Nothing chosen

rail noise

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 896

Other (please specify)

Agent instructed to submit this site by the landowner.


Land south-west of Rushden

Map 1233
Show full map

Green field. Part of the site is allotment land.

Residential homes


Rushden ./ Wymington




Nothing chosen

540 dwellings

Family houses , Flats

No answer given

35 dwellings per hectare (based on a net developable area of 50%)

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access to the site can be achieved off Rushden/Wymington Road. There are three potential locations where access can be achieved on this road which have been marked on the submitted site location plan. Redding Close and Carlton Close also offer potential connections points onto the public highway to the north of the site. These have been marked on the submitted site location plan.







No answer given

No answer given


The site would contribute towards ensuring that the housing needs of the area can be met within the urban area of Rushden, a highly sustainable location. The site is in walking distance of the centre of Rushden as well as other facilities such as 2 primary schools, a pub, small supermarket and a doctors surgery. The site is well served by public transport reducing the reliance on the car. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. There is potential for the re-provision of allotments at a different location within the site as part of development proposals. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

x Serious capacity constraint

Access it proposed via Rushden Road, a one lane single carriageway with narrow footpath on both sideas and no cycle path. Potential secondary access points are proposed via Redding Close and Carlton Close to the North, both of which are approximately 4m wide with slightly narrow footpath on both sides and no cycle path. The access roads are rather narrow and might not be able to cope with the additional traffic requiring capacity improvements, however, the road is built-up and as such providing further capacity would be difficult. There are no cycle routes or quietways in the vicinity. Suitable footways are present from the proposed accesses off Carlton Close and Redding Close. There are a number of bus stops directly next to the site. Bus 25 on Rushden Road provides connection to Bedford and Rushden less then once per hour while bus 49 on Grangeway runs to Kettering once per hour. A TA is needed to assess the impact on the road network, due to the size of traffic increases, traffic management measures would be needed at the access points, eg as traffic lights. Given the scale of the development, mitigation may be justified. Cycle connectivity should be improved, through provision of a dedicated cycle lane / on-road cycle path (might be possible towards the north).

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Part of the site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 897

Other (please specify)



Land north of Goldington Road, Bedford

Map 1233
Show full map

Rugby Stadium

Health Village






All other types



No answer given

62 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Rugby Stadium

Suitable access is achievable

From Goldington Road as existing. Highway Authority has previously confirmed no objection






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


No answer given




Include in next stage of assessment

Nothing chosen

Exclude from further assessment

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area UAB.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

xx The site is within the air quality management area

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

x Proposal includes a main town centre use in an out of centre location.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

N/A in UAB

+ All or a majority of the site is previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

+ The proposal is for or includes a community use or is likely to promote community collaboration and social interaction eg cultural, social, leisure and sporting uses.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

+ The site is within or adjoining the urban area.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The existing access onto Goldington Road is suitable provided that it is widened enough to accommodate two-way traffic. Due to it's central location, there is moderate traffic congestion in the area throughout most days and there is the potential for this development to worsen it. There are bus stops within 200m where the number 5 bus provides five services per hour between Goldington and Bedford Town Centre. There is a wide and well-paved pavement directly outside the site. There is an on-road unsegregated cycle lane on Goldington Road directly outside the site in both directions. A Transport Assessment would be required to determine the impact the development may have on the surrounding transport networks. Ensure that the vehicular access is widened enough to accommodate two-way traffic.

Nothing chosen

No noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is excluded at stage 2 of the assessment because the landowner has not agreed that the site can be put forward for development. There is no evidence that the site is available for development at this time. The site will be retained in the development plan as an opportunity site, in recognition of its favourable location in the urban area.

Form ID: 898

Other (please specify)

Agent for agent: Please contact the agent: Matthew Hewitt


Kempston Hardwick, Bedford MK43 9NS (Nearest) 5.58 ha

Map 1233
Show full map


Disused brickworks pit

Disused brickworks pit

Disused brickworks pit

Disused brickworks pit



Nothing chosen


Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes

No answer given

30 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Vehicular/Ped-cycle access to the site can be achieved through a new access directly onto Manor Road. Indicative access shown on the enclosed site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Masterplanning for the site will consider the most appropriate development layout to achieve passive benefits (i.e. all dwellings south-facing) as well as energy and water efficiency. The site is previously developed and would represent an environmentally efficient use of currently vacant land.

No uploaded files for public display




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available

Include in next stage of assessment

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

x The site is within a green infrastructure opportunity network but is likely to compromise the network.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

Access to the site is not possible due to a variety of problems. Traffic generation from the potential residential development of this scale would normally significantly impact the local highway network. The closest rail stop is inside a radius of 1.2km, but there is not any connection with a road. The site lack access to public footways and cycling. Access does not currently appear possible apart from the frontage onto the B530 roundabout and Ampthill Road which will be challenging as well. New highway creation needed for this site to connect it with the rail stop "Kempston Hardwick" and to provide public footways and a cycling network.

Likely to require contaminated land assessment and remediation if required.

nearby industrial noise should be considered

Part of the site falls within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is suitable for allocation as a new settlement to include a mix of uses including residential, business / science campus and innovation hub as part of a larger allocation. Residential uses may be better placed elsewhere within the larger allocation to fit better with the strategy. The larger site has been assessed separately - Site 0004. Site is proposed for allocation in combination with other sites 745, 809, 900, 905 and 1050 - HOU14 Kempston Hardwick new settlement.

Form ID: 899

Other (please specify)

Agent instructed by the landowner to submit this site


Land south of Church Road, Stagsden

Map 1233
Show full map

Paddock land

Church Lane and then residential homes


Wooded area and residential homes with garden

Bounded by wooded area and then fields



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

15 dwellings per hectare (based on a net developable area of 50%)

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access to the site can be achieved off Church Lane. This is indicated on the submitted site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site would contribute towards ensuring that local housing needs of the area can be met. The site is in walking distance of the centre of the village. The village has facilities such as a village hall, the Church of St Leanard and Browns of Stagsden which is a local village shop/takeaway/butchers. Bedfordshire Golf Club is also a short distance away from the village. The 41 bus service provides hourly connections to both Bedford and Northampton making this a well-connected village via public transport. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

xx Development would be in flood zones 3a or 3b.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

Lane is very narrow and has no footways, so vehicle access to site (which does not exist at the moment) is not necessarily achievable. No significant congestion in the vicinity along the nearby A422, however data for Church Lane itself is not available. The closest bus stop is 450m away on High Street. There are no designated bicycle lanes or cycling friendly roads in the site's proximity, however cycling is possible using the road surface. Provision of adequate pedestrian access likely not possible given physical constraints of Church Lane.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 900

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Matthew Hewitt


Stewartby, Bedford, MK43 9GJ (Nearest) Easting: 502421 Northing: 243181 5.57 ha

Map 1233
Show full map


Broadmead Farm

Hansons Reach residential development

Disused brickworks pit




Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

30 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Vehicular/Ped-cycle access to the site can be achieved through a new access directly onto Broadmead Road. Indicative access shown on the enclosed site location plan.





150 +

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Masterplanning for the site will consider the most appropriate development layout to achieve passive benefits (i.e. all dwellings south-facing) as well as energy and water efficiency. Masterplanning will also take account of the Hansons Reach development to maximise possibilities for integrated ped-cycle and encourage active travel modes. The proposed development will also help to generate a critical mass to safeguard the long-term future of local services and contribute to fostering a self-sufficient local community at Stewartby.




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available

Include in next stage of assessment

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not on best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the south side of Broadmead Farm and on the east side of Broadmead Road in the village of Stewartby in Bedfordshire approximately 9 miles south-west of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Broadmead Road, which is approximate 39m in width from the submission form, in the west and Brick Crescent in the south. Broadmead Road is currently a bus route, however there are no bus stops along this section of Broadmead Road mainly because there are no footways present. The nearest bus stop facility is located 900m south of the site. There are no footways either side of the road and there are no provisions for cyclists other than the use of the carriageway. Reduce of speed limit to 30mph through the process of a Traffic Regulation Order(TRO) for any residential development. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to gauge the traffic assessment and identify mitigation measures as well as improve sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns discutant form railway but consideration to be given to H13

Majority of the site falls in MSA.

The site is suitable for allocation as a new settlement to include a mix of uses including residential, business / science campus and innovation hub as part of a larger allocation. This site will provide an important open space and gap between existing development to the south at Stewartby and the proposed areas for built development within the larger new settlement allocation. The larger site has been assessed separately - Site 0004. Site is proposed for allocation in combination with other sites 745, 809, 898, 905 and 1050 - HOU14 Kempston Hardwick new settlement.

Form ID: 902

Other (please specify)

Agent instructed by the landowner to submit this site.


Land north of Thurleigh

Map 1233
Show full map

Green field


Residential homes

Keysoe Road and on the other side of the road residential homes




Nothing chosen

55-70 dwellings

Family houses , Flats

No answer given

23-30 dwellings per hectare (based on a net developable area of 50%)

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access to the site can be achieved off Keysoe Road. This has been marked on the submitted site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site would contribute towards ensuring that local housing needs of the area can be met. The site is in walking distance of the centre of the village which has a range of facilities including a primary school, a village hall, St Peter’s Church, a Sports and Social Club. The 28 bus service provides regular connections to Bedford and other villages such as Kimbolton and Swineshead. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

+ The proposal includes or is within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space that includes an equipped children’s play area of at least 200m2 .

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility.

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the west side of Keysoe Road in the village of Thurleigh, approximately 6.6 miles north of Bedford town centre. The access point is on the east side of the site, off Keysoe Road. There is no significant traffic congestion on the network however the potential development could have a moderate impact. The closest bus stop is located 170m south of the site on High Street. There is a green verge outside of the site and a footway opposite, however this is narrow. Cycling is possible using the road surface. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic on Keysoe Road as well as at the Keysoe Road/High Street junction. A footway is necessary along the frontage of the site. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes.

Nothing chosen

consider palmer motorsport

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 903

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent:


Stewartby, Bedford, MK43 9EJ (Nearest) Easting: 500802 Northing: 243188

Map 1233
Show full map


The C94


Existing employment

Existing employment



Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Use Class B1, B2 and B8

Use Class B1, B2 and B8

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Vehicular access can be achieved directly onto Green Lane which would facilitate unrestricted access onto the C94. Indicative access shown on the enclosed site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Masterplanning for the site will consider the most appropriate development layout to achieve passive benefits (i.e. south facing) as well as energy and water efficiency. The proximity of the site and the wider local highways network represents an environmentally efficient use of land.

No uploaded files for public display




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available

Include in next stage of assessment

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

x The site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

0 Residential development not proposed.

0 Residential development not proposed.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located at eastern corner of the junction of Green Lane with Bedford Road in the village of Stewartby in Bedfordshire approximately 6.5 miles east of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from Broadmead Road in the north and from Green lane from the west but there are limited frontages. The proposal for will have a moderate impact on the highway and the actual impact will depend on the traffic generated by development during the peak hours. Green Lane is a bus route however there are no facilities for bus stops in close proximity of the site mainly due to the fact that there are no footways on either side of the road in the vicinity of the site. The nearest bus stop facility is located on Green Lane at Stewartby Rail Station approx 1.2km from the site. A Transport Assessment (TA) will be required to set out the traffic generation and identify mitigation measures as well as improvements to sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The site is not suitable for development unless either a continuous footway or shared footway/cycleway can be provided from the site to link and integrate with the nearest facilities for footway/cycleway. In addition facilities for bus stops need to be provided outside the site.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns on employment use

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

This is not a preferred location for an employment site as it does not related well to existing settlements.

Form ID: 904

Other (please specify)

Agent instructed by landowner to submit the site


Land off Vicarage Lane, Wilstead

Map 1233
Show full map

Agricultural land and vicarage.

Recreation ground and bowls club


Residential properties




Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

Circa 20 dwellings per hectare (based on a net developable area of 50%)

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Access to the site can be achieved off Vicarage Lane. This has been marked on the submitted site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


The site would contribute towards ensuring that local housing needs of the area can be met. The site is in walking distance of all of the main day-to-day facilities, limiting the need to travel by car. Additionally, bus services 44 and 81 provide the public with hourly transport connections to Bedford and Ampthill within 20 minutes. In due course, once Wixams rail station is open, this will also be easily accessible via public transport, further reducing the need to travel by car. Landscape enhancements, open space and SUDS would be included as part of a development scheme enhancing the existing value of the site including the creation of new habitats. Existing trees and landscaping features would be conserved and enhanced where possible. The development will be constructed to a high standard with opportunities for the layout, building orientation and massing of the development, along with the landscaping, to be utilised to minimise energy consumption.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

0 The proposal is likely to have a neutral effect on the landscape.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

? Potential access requiring mitigation

+ No capacity issues

This site overlaps with Site ID 535. Pedestrian access already in place at the end of Vicarage Lane. Moderate congestion peaks in nearby Luton Road and A6. The closest bus stop is located 230m from the site, on Luton Road, with route 44 and 81 providing 2 buses per hour overall. Vicarage Lane has a footpath on only one side of the street, which is roughly 1m width. Once on Luton Road, the footpath gets slightly wider, but there is room for a potential expansion providing pedestrian and/or cycle path.

Nothing chosen

A6 road noise

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 905

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Matthew Hewitt


Randalls Farm, Bedford, MK43 9NE (Nearest) Easting: 501981 Northing: 243746

Map 1233
Show full map



Landfill site

Railway line / Agriculture






Self-build/Custom build homes , Other

Demonstrator homes

See supporting information submitted.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Other

Demonstrator homes

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Use Class B1 / Use Class D / Sui Generis

To be determined, subject to residential layout.

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

Vehicular, pedestrian & cycle access to the site can be achieved through a new access directly onto Broadmead Road. Indicative access shown on the enclosed site location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given


Masterplanning for the site will consider the most appropriate development layout to achieve passive benefits (i.e. all dwellings south-facing) as well as energy and water efficiency. The proposed development is for ‘Model Village’, the function of which will be to demonstrate, and test innovative and low carbon technologies as well provide a knowledge exchange and educational hub. The site and proposed development present an opportunity to act as a physical local example of the objectives Policy 51S seeks to achieve.




Include in next stage of assessment

Site is available , Site is likely to be achievable

Include in next stage of assessment

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

+ The site is within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network and able to enhance the network.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

+ Proposal includes permanent economic and employment opportunities.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

x The site is separated from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

? Part of a site is within flood zone 2 or 3 but the area proposed for development is in flood zone 1.

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

+ The development will meet identified housing needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

xx There is no public transport within 10 minutes’ walk to enable access to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Access to the site is feasible from Broadmead Road. No significant traffic in the vicinity and the proposal will have at most a moderate impact on the highway network. Broadmead Road is currently a bus route, however there are no bus stops along this section of Broadmead Road mainly because there are no footways present. The closest bus stop is 1.4km away from the site. There are no footways either side of the road and there are no provisions for cyclists other than the use of the carriageway. Proposals to improve public transport, pedestrian & cycle access to the site are unlikely to be viable given the scale of development proposed.

Nothing chosen

noise from railway

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site is suitable for allocation as a new settlement to include a mix of uses including residential, business / science campus and innovation hub as part of a larger allocation. Residential uses may be better placed elsewhere within the larger allocation to fit better with the strategy. The larger site has been separately - Site 0004. Site is proposed for allocation in combination with other sites 745, 809, 898, 900 and 1050 - HOU14 Kempston Hardwick new settlement.

Form ID: 906

Other (please specify)

Agent for agent: Please contact Sam Franklin, Landscope Land and Property Ltd


Church Spinney Church Lane Pavenham Beds 1.69 ha

Map 1233
Show full map

Woodland and disused squash court and hard tennis court

not stated

not stated

not stated

not stated



All other types

5-10, Ideally 5 only

Family houses

Car park area

not stated

Market housing - Owner occupied

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Car park for church and community

Suitable access is achievable

Crowlands Entrance






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Not stated

We would look to meet or exceed the energy standards set out on the building regulations as expressed in section 51s in the local plan. We would achieve this by utilising renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, as well as installing ground source heat pumps and additional water saving measures.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

xx Protected species recorded on the site

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

+ Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers less than 25% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

0 The site is located within a source protection zone but the proposed use is unlikely to be a risk to water supplies.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

x The site is unlikely to provide a mix of housing and/or is unlikely to include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

x A site accessibility score of 4 is recorded where 4 is 21 – 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The site is located on the east side of Church Lane and Pavenham Road in the village of Pavenham approximately 6 miles northwest of Bedford town centre. The access point is located in the north corner of the site, east of Pavenham Road. The nearest bus stop is located 800m from the site on High Street. There are no footway serving the site and cycling is possible on-road. A new access point should be created in Church Lane in the southeast corner of the site in order to be closer to the bus stop. Vegetation control required for visibility.

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.

Form ID: 907

Other (please specify)



Top Farm, land east and west of Barford Road, Little Barford St Neots

Map 1233
Show full map

Manor house and associated buildings and grounds, farm buildings and agricultural land

RWE power station and Alington Road Industrial Estate



River Great Ouse



Employment , Retail , All other types

3,385-3,955 subject to proportion on mixed use area and setting of listed buildings

Family houses , Self-build/Custom build homes , Older people housing , Flats

No answer given

30-35 dph away from listed buildings

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

B1, B2 and B8

B1: 9,616-20,244m2 or B2: 7,191-15,176m2 or B8: 6,568-13,861m2 or a mix of these uses (mix subject to employment evidence)

Refer to AL3 representation (additional information sheets)

It is anticipated that a development of this scale would be supported by small scale convenience shops and cafes etc appropriate to support the scale of development. The exact nature and scale of these uses will evolve in parallel with Bedford Borough Council’s evidence base.

No answer given

No answer given

Refer to AL3 representation (additional information sheets)

It is anticipated that a development of this scale would be supported by D1 uses. The exact nature and scale of these uses will evolve in parallel with Bedford Borough Council’s evidence base.

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

Refer to drawing 60830-PP-005










The site promotes sustainable transport methods and will endeavour to deliver an appropriate layout, design and landscaping to encourage walkable neighbourhoods, promote the use of renewable energy and/or efficiencies in the fabric of buildings.



Nothing chosen

Include in next stage of assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

NOTE: This is a large site proposal for a new settlement with complex traffic and transport requirements. Further assessment of the transport impacts has been carried out and published as a supporting document found here Access via several points along Barford Road. Widening of Barford Road and new junctions would be required for access, and these would need to cater for more vehicles than the Site 873 proposal for this site due to the higher number of dwellings (compared to sites with IDs 872 & 873). Some light traffic can be seen in the area which could worsen with 1000+ houses. Situation re PT, pedestrians and cycles is the same as for the other proposal for this site (site ID: 872 & 873) Widening and new junctions for access on Barford Road. For improved pedestrian and cycle connectivity it would be necessary to connect to the existing footway (approx 250m away). Widening of the existing footway and conversion to cycle/pedestrian route up to the A428 roundabout would be suggested. This would allow cycle/pedestrian access to the supermarket, bus services and further into the town. The proposal suggests a cycle route along the riverside but does not say where this could go - there could be potential for this to go in to the centre of St Neots.

Nothing chosen

close proximity to little barford power station and rail line

Nothing chosen

This site is suitable for allocation in the Local Plan for a mix of uses including housing, employment, open space and other community uses. Allocation principles include: - delivery of 4,000 dwellings and employment land within a new settlement - preparation of a masterplan to deliver a sustainable community whilst - sustainable transport links to the East West Rail station - consideration of heritage assets - preparation of a site specific flood risk assessment - delivery of schools to support the pupils generated by the development - consideration of the high pressure gas and power lines crossing the site - areas in flood zone 3 adjacent to the River Great Ouse would not support development - multi user access route along the River Great Ouse. The site has been separately assessed - see New Settlement Site Assessments supporting document. Site is proposed for allocation HOU19 Little Barford new settlement.

Form ID: 908

Other (please specify)

Please contact the agent: Shannon Hubbard


Cottage Farm, Upper Staploe, PE19 5JA 0.2 ha

Map 1233
Show full map

The site currently forms an existing agricultural yard featuring six semi-redundant agricultural buildings/light industrial buildings. Two of the buildings were granted permission in 2005 for Change of Use to B1 (light industrial) under application reference 05/02789/COU and this application is still live (please see below).

Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land

Agricultural Land

Gypsey Lane & Agricultural Land



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

Low density – utilising the existing farm buildings or the existing farm buildings footprints.

Market housing - Owner occupied , Market housing - Private rented housing , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Suitable access is achievable

As shown on the accompanying location plan (ref: 48126-03) there is an existing access into the site from Gypsey Lane to the west.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Development at the site can start early in the Local Plan period, in 2024 with anticipated completion a year to 18 months later.

Any scheme at the site shall be accompanied by a sustainable urban drainage strategy and seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout development. Renewable energy will be considered as part of the design process of the proposed dwellings.

No uploaded files for public display



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

++ Opportunity area for fewer than 3 ecosystem services.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

0 The proposal appears to have no impact on heritage assets and their significance.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

xx The site is more than 0.5 miles from a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

x All or a majority of the site is best and most versatile agricultural land as defined in the NPPF.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

x The site is not within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

? Uncertain or insufficient information.

x The site is not within or adjoining the urban area or a defined settlement policy area, or within the built form of a small settlement

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

xx A site accessibility score of 0 is recorded where 0 is more than 30 minutes’ walk.

x The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with an infrequent bus service (less frequent than hourly each day) which enables travel 8am6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer.

+ No access constraints

+ No capacity issues

Access from Gypsy Lane frontage of site. The 29 bus service running once a day serves the site to the south (approx 570m). The site has no footways or cycle connections. Gypsy Ln is narrow in places with limited passing places. Any mitigation here for pedestrian access would require significant cost and scale, unsure of highway ownership. Scale of development unlikely warrants cost of mitigations/improvements

Nothing chosen

no noise concerns

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.